Bryce Walker case

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"That is weird.." Jessica listened to Alex recount his interaction with Monty.

"I don't know Jess, the way he was staring at me, it seemed like he knew something was up, and why wouldn't he. Bryce was his best friend after all." Alex stared at the fireplace cracking. Orange light reflected on Jessica as she smirked at Alex.

"Or maybe he is just gay?" She shrugged and giggled. Alex frowned. He loved Jessica, she was his childhood best friend but ever since he came out to her she couldn't stop with the damn gay jokes. "Not everyone is gay just because I am, Jessica I thought we already established that??" He scolded playfully. "Alex you have to find a boyfriend now please. What about Zach?" Jessica asked excitedly. 

"He is straight firstly and secondly I'm not into him like that." Alex snapped back.

"Um yea sure, didn't you kiss him." Jessica nudged.

"Yeaa and that was when I realized both of the things I just mentioned." Alex replied. Justin bursted in the room at that instant. "Yo here is my two favorite people." He quickly sat between Jessica and Alex and kissed Jessica.

"Ew PDA." Alex rolled his eyes, smiling. His friends were gross but cute.

"Oh God Alex tell Justin about the Monty thing." Jessica quickly said, breaking the kiss. Justin glanced at Alex concerned, "Do I wanna hear this?"

"Um well, Monty randomly shoved me against a locker today, and he just stared at me for what seemed like an eternity and then Charlie broke it off and carried him away. I dunno it was weird." Alex explained. Even explaining it made him nervous. It was one of those interactions you couldn't explain no matter what.

"Did he wanna make out or.." Justin asked smirking. "You both are like soulmates." Alex rolled his eyes as he punched Justin.

"Anyways guys, " Alex suddenly developed a more serious tone, catching both Jessica and Justin's attention. "I told Zach earlier today but I think you guys should know this too..they reopened the Bryce walker case." Justin and Jessica exchanged horrified glances. The air in the room was heavy with tension.

"What the fuck I thought they closed that due to insufficient evidence." Justin said worriedly.

"Well...maybe they found something." Alex finally said what everyone was thinking but didn't have the courage to say.

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