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"I cannot fucking believe you Alex, WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?" Zach screamed like he had lost it.

"i don't know okay I DON'T FUCKING KNOW." Alex instinctively yelled back. Even his dad couldn't dig him out of this mess. He had to somehow make it right himself. Clay and Justin quickly caught up with Alex.

"Alex I cannot believe how stupid you are, you are just the king of stupids cause what the hell were you thinking back there." Justin asked.

"I had one advice, just one...stay calm. Was that so hard now Alex?" Clay joined in. 

"Yes it was fucking hard Clay, you try having a fucking hole in your head." Alex broke down crying.

"Okay guys please just give him a minute." Zach said and vacated everyone from the locker room. Alex kept sobbing as Justin, Clay and Zach exited the room.

"Um hey." Winston randomly appeared behind Alex. "I would tell you to stop crying but it makes you look even hotter." Alex stopped sobbing at the bold comment. Was someone really having the audacity to hit on him right now?

"Winston, remember me?" Winston slowly stepped over to Alex. 

"I don't actually but hello WInston." Alex had stopped crying. He was just in awe of the boldness of this stranger.

"You're Alex, Alex Standall right?" Winston calmly smiled.


"Alex Standall, I have to say what a hot name for a hot person." Winston approached Alex. Alex blushed uncontrollably. How did this stranger have such a powerful effect on him.

"I have heard a lot about you, you are quite the star at this school." WInston remarked. Was he being serious right now, Alex wondered. He was literally crying in the boys locker room, what star..

"I have to, um, go." Alex got up quietly. Being in this bold guy's presence was making him anxious and that was the last thing he needed.

"But Alex.." Winston grabbed his hand. Alex froze in shock. What was happening here.. They heard faint voices approach the locker room and the entire football team started entering. The practice was about to start. Monty and Charlie froze in their footsteps at the sight of Winston grabbing Alex's hand.

"Oh hi Monty, Charlie." WInston smiled, not letting go of Alex's hands. "I was saying hello to Alex." WInston smirked at Monty. Monty had a weird unreadable expression. He glanced at Alex and then at WInston. Meanwhile Charlie felt a storm of jealousy. WInston was already making his moves with Alex.

"I was just leaving.." Alex quickly said and removed his hand from WInston's grip. He scurried out the room unaware of tsunami of emotions he had just evoked.

Monty gave Winston a death stare. Winston smiled, quite accomplished. He was satisfied with Monty's reaction. He knew he could expect a text from Monty anytime soon.


The football practice started immediately. "Charlie pass." Charlie threw the ball with all his might. The ball ended up going over the goal line. cheers flooded the ground as everyone gathered around Charlie to celebrate. "THAT IS MY GUY, MY MF GUYY!!" Monty screamed throwing Charlie in the air.

"I cannot believe it, I am amazing sometimes." Charlie said to Monty. Monty grabbed him "Yes you are, where do you wanna celebrate, my treat."

"I'm kinda craving nando's." Justin joined them. "Woah Justy it's Charlie's win, let him decide." Monty interjected.

"No nandos is fine, good actually." Charlie quickly said.

"Charlie that was an amazing goal, if you keep this up you will be captain in no time." Zach approached Charlie.

"Afterall you are the one coaching me to be captain so thankyou." Charlie smiled warmly. Zach loved the kid. He was adorable. The only not so adorable thing about him was that he hung out with Monty.

"Did the interrogations end?" Luke asked.

"I guess so, I don't think they called anyone else in after the disaster Alex created." Monty laughed. "Zach your boy is a total pussy."

"Shutup Monty." Zach controlled the urge to punch him.

"Its okay, relax." Justin calmed Zach down.

"Guys guys huddle up quick." Coach Kerba entered with an air of urgency. "Charlie amazing goal, and overall, stellar performance in the field, our team has been chosen for the Inter school football tournament. Now I don't want you guys to relax, I want you to give your double, triple, quadruple in practices now. I DON'T WANNA SEE NO MORE SLACKING."

"Coach don't ya worry, we will kick some dick and balls in that Interschool tournament." Monty screeched.

"Okay dismissed." Coach rolled his eyes and walked away.

"He loves me." Monty beamed.

"Okay team I need you all to be on your fucking horses from now on. you heard the coach, no slacking. For now, let's go celebrate!!" Zach announced and everyone followed him cheering.

Autor's note: I'm sorry I dont understand American football let alone write about an American football match AHAHHA and it shows.

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