Murderous child

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Alex entered the office. Rows of students parted with his arrival. He was receiving stares from everyone. He hated being the center of attention- especially in a murder investigation. He entered the quiet small room with his dad and Sherrif Diaz seated in a corner. They motioned Alex to come over. Adrenaline ran through Alex's veins. It was do or die. 

"It will be a few quick questions with Sheriff Diaz, I will exit the room. I'm actually not allowed to interrogate you." His dad whispered as he got up and left. Sheriff Diaz smiled almost wickedly.

"Hello Alex Standall. I have wanted to meet you for a while." He stated.

"You have?" Alex almost choked on his words. He breathed deeply. One thing he had to do was remain calm. It was a lot of work to stay calm ever since his TBI.

"You're a cute child. But are you a cute MURDEROUS child?" The Sheriff said and laughed. this was making Alex beyond uncomfortable and scared. He almost seemed like he knew what Alex did and was just having a little fun before arresting him. "I think you know why you're here" The Sheriff pulled a bunch of steroid bottles in a sealed plastic bag. "Familiar?"

Alex decided not to lie. The lying could make it so much worse if he was caught. "I'm..ahem..I'm not sure what you are asking me sir?"

"You are one of the recipients on Bryce's customer list. Did you or did you not purchase steroids from Bryce Walker?" Sheriff slightly raised his voice. Alex was almost intimidated but he kept reminding himself to breathe. He promised the gang he wouldn't fold.

"I was actually purchasing steroids from someone at school who was purchasing it from Bryce. I wasn't aware and as soon as I was, I immediately cut off my supplier." Alex collectedly responded.

"Why?" Sheriff asked, confused.

"I don't know maybe I do not want to remain in any kind of contact with someone who raped my childhood best friend?" Alex responded, slightly aggravated.

"Woah okay calm down Alex, you're on the record." Sheriff said, shocked by his boldness.

"I'm sorry sir but you are putting more effort into investigating the murder of a serial rapist than you ever did in putting that serial rapist behind bars." That was it. Alex just couldn't remain calm anymore. He lost it. This whole investigation annoyed him. Why did everyone care? Why did he care? He just wanted to stop existing at this point. He knew he had dug himself into a tricky hole with this investigation and immediately got up and walked out. Millions of pairs of eyes turned to look at him, including his dad. All his friends were nervously huddled and gave him worried stares. Fuck this I am out. He ran out of the school.


Charlie was standing with Monty when Winston joined them. Monty immediately got nervous and pale. Charlie still had no idea what was their deal? However he had more important things on his mind.

"Wow this is quite a crowd, what is everyone standing here for. Aren't there like actual classes at this school?" Winston chuckled as he asked. "You talk too much." Monty snapped back at him, annoyed. "Everyone is waiting to see the interrogations. They still have Alex in there. Any of us could be next." Charlie kindly explained to Winston.

"I bet you my dick, Standall is hiding some shit." Monty announced. "Why do you say that?" Charlie nervously asked. Suddenly Alex came bursting out of the interrogation room. He seemed disturbed and frustrated. He sprinted towards the exit of the school. Was he seriously running away in the middle of a murder investigation, Charlie was in disbelief at his absent-mindedness.

"Do ya still need more proof that he is hiding some shit." Monty said. Charlie had to admit, Alex wasn't helping himself by acting out. Did he just want to get caught at this point? "This Alex guy is crazy, wow I love this school." Winston laughed. Charlie gave Winston a withered stare. Him calling Alex crazy bothered him.

"Maybe you and Alex can really hit it off," Monty smirked, looking at Winston, "You are both crazy motherfuckers."

"Maybe." Winston replied back with his signature smile. He had just got an amazing idea. But Charlie was really annoyed at Monty's comment, after Zach and Alex the last thing he needed to see was Winston getting obsessed with Alex.

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