Alex is guilty

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Luke and Charlie sat face to face and clinked their glasses. They had been deep in conversation for a while. The pitter patter of rain served as music to the ears. The cafe windows were wet and the cafe was secluded. How they moved from the topic of discussion with Bryce's death and then finally to football (shock).

"Charlie, now don't lie to my face." Luke spoke up.

"What? I never lie." Charlie answered, offended.

"I know you can't always share stuff with Monty." Luke explained.

"Well he is my best friend and we tell eachother everything." Charlie replied. He had a flashback to when Monty refused to tell him about WInston. Was it time to retire the best friend tag?

"Are you gay?" Luke asked mindlessly. Charlie's eyes widened in shock.

"What the fuck, Jesus Luke you are too straightforward for your own good." Charlie looked around nervously and then turned to Luke horrified.

"what? I'm just asking. I know Monty won't ever accept you, but I will." Luke smiled.

"You know that gay and straight aren't the only two sexual orientations?" Charlie asked with a hint of annoyance.

"I know, I know, what I wanna know is, if you like dick?" Luke asked, smirking.

"Not yours." Charlie rolled his eyes.

 "So who's, Alex's?" Luke smirked harder.

"Why do you say that?" Charlie stared amazed. Had he been that obvious?

"It shows." Luke smiled.

"WHat the hell Luke, No." Charlie blushed.

"Wow you developed feelings for Monty's enemy?" Luke laughed.

"NO, Monty's enemies are my enemies, you know that Luke."

"So is Alex Standall on your hit list or hit list." Luke did a dick sucking action. Charlie gave him a disgusted look.

"I'm outta here, you are disgusting!!" Charlie walked away while Luke continued laughing hysterically.


"Gather Liberty High students in the auditorium, quick." Miss Georgie asked Mr Porter.

"Liberty high students please, in the audi, Principal Bolan wants to address you all." Mr Porter rounded these children up.

"What the fuck does Bolan want?" Tony murmured to Clay.

"Maybe its about Alex's walkout?" Clay whispered. If Alex was caught, they all were, that was a fact.

"Children, I know it has been a difficult couple years. However,  I know you all are stressed because of the presence of police on the campus and the interrogations. Jessica Davis, your student body president has brought up these concerns to me. I feel like it's better if we tell the students once and for all what these interrogations are actually for." Principal Bolan announced. Murmurs of crowd were heard.

"Last semester when the news of Bryce Walker's death broke out, it was very obvious that he died by drowning. Police suspected suicide in the light of the suicidal note he gave to his mother. Recently however police have come to suspect foul play due to some things that came up in the autopsy."

"AHH." The scream tore through the crowds and students parted. A frail and pale looking Alex was stumbling and breathing heavily. Zach and Jessica ran through the crowds to grab Alex. He will never help himself look any less guilty will he? Tony thought.

"Are you okay?" Jessica asked. She could see Alex was having a panic attack. "Oh shit Zach, we have to get him out of here."

Zach and Jess escorted Alex out towards the nurses' office.


Tony and Clay entered the nurse office to see a medicated Alex laying on the bed.

"Hey big boy, get up, I have good news for once." Tony remarked to Alex.

"What do you mean good news." Zach asked curiously.

"Where's Jess?" Clay asked.

"She has gone to fight Principal Bolan again, how the Bryce stuff is causing kids to have panic attacks and stuff." They all glanced at Alex who had a stressed face while being passed out from all the medication.

"Well Alex might not have committed the murder." Tony explained.

"WHAT?" Zach was shocked but terrified. Did that mean Zach killed him?

"Apparently Principal Bolan said poison might have been a cause." Clay whispered.

"WHAT?" Zach was perplexed. What the hell was going on? Poison? As far as he knew neither him nor Alex used poison on Bryce....


"You can't tell me that Standall guy is not hiding shit. He is suspicious, he is falling around all the damn time. And he has that guilty eyess." Monty went on a whole monologue after the assembly about Alex. Charlie was uncomfortable at best. He was also slightly angry. He felt sorry for Alex, but he knew he won't forgive Alex if he was a murderer. He couldn't.

"Maybe go easy on him?" Winston came up from behind. Monty scoffed, disgusted.

"Ofcourse you say that. you are his boyfriend faggot." Monty spat out. Charlie glared at Monty.

"Monty we should talk at this point." Winston said out loud, catching the attention of the entire football team 

"Wow I have never seen that Winston guy be so serious." Luke whispered to Charlie.


"Maybe start with how you fucked the shit out of me last summer and then proceeded to beat me up?" Winston snarled back. The football team gasped, their jaws dropped. Monty, the famous homophobe..fucked the shit out of a guy?

"Are you ashamed of me Monty what is it?" Winston's voice cracked a little. Monty was speechless. He never expected Winston to just scream out the whole truth infront of his bros. His mind went blank and all he could think of was ANGER..

"You fucking LIAR, HOW DARE YOU SPREAD DISGUSTING FUCKING RUMORS ABOUT ME?" Monty punched Winston hard, his voice rising to a blood curdling shriek.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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