Jace and Yusuf...Jasuf.

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CW: slightly sexual implications, nothing actually happens though :)

Yusuf's POV:

I walked to history, trying to forget about how amazing it felt having Mr Farouk hold me. I could feel myself wanting it again, and I doubt that's the topic of my history lesson.

"Yusuf! Where were you last lesson?"

"Hiding, you know how it is." I lied with an apparently convincing smile.

"Missed you in there, it's not the same without the Yusie performance." Jace smiled softly.

It's a secret guys, don't tell anybody.

"Come sit, what happened with Farouk?"

"Having a bad day, think he's on his period or something." I giggled, the events of last lesson flooding my mind.

"Him and Ajayi, friends or more?"

I was about to answer before our teacher ordered for us to stop talking and open our books. He's quite nice but he can be a bit strict sometimes. Like Farouk, just taller and white.

"Definitely more." I nodded before I opened my book and fished in my pocket for a pen.

"Here." Jace nudged me gently, dropping a pen onto the table.

"Shh." I whispered, nudging him back.

I was fighting with my own brain that lesson. Jace is safe, he makes me feel safe. I wanted him to know. I mean, he's practically my boyfriend, I guess. We haven't officially said anything but he kissed me one time in year six and we've done it ever since. Secretly, obviously. Mostly in his bedroom, and they're only ever tiny kisses. Dumb childish ones. I still love it though. I don't know about everyone else though.

Once we were doing our work, sir said we could talk again. Only problem being is that I had silently turned into a two year old, mentally at least.

"Yusie? Are you okay?"

I think I was staring at something. I nodded, my eyes fixed on the wall.

"Hm, use your pass if you need to. I know things kinda went to shit last night." Jace whispered to me, his hand on top of mine.

I knew people couldn't know, but I liked him holding my hand. It felt good.

"I'll see if he'll let me come with you, he normally does." Jace offered, moving his hand to raise it.

"Yes Jason?"

"Can me and Yusuf go outside for a minute, he needs a moment?"

He nodded after a few seconds and Jace led me outside.

"What's up? Hm?"

I can't tell him. He wouldn't understand it. I don't fully understand it.

I shrugged, sliding down the wall so I was sat on the floor.

"Do you want to lie down for a minute?" Jace asked, opening his arms for me.

"Someone will see."

"And? If you want to lie down, lie down."

I decided not to lie down. It was already hard enough having to fight my own headspace away, I don't know if I could do it if I lay on Jace.

"Is something wrong?" Jace questioned, looking at me properly.

"Same old." I replied.

"Do you want to tell me anything?"

"I think we're pretty gay, just unofficially gay." I giggled.

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