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Yusuf's POV:

I woke up quite early, before Jace's alarm. He was still asleep. We'd changed into some pyjamas after his mum made food and his hand was resting underneath my shirt in the middle of my back. I liked it. I wasn't in two year old mode anymore but I still liked Jace holding me. I sound gay as shit.

I grabbed my phone and saw an email from Mr Farouk.

YF: Hey kid, is everything okay? Are you at Jace's?
YL: Yeah I stayed overnight. I think he knows.

I wasn't surprised he didn't email me back until almost an hour later. I had woken up at like five in the morning.

YF: About the regression?
YL: Yeah. I want to tell him. Just so he knows I'm not being weird.
YF: Take things at your own pace. You don't owe it to him, or anyone. I'm sure he'd be completely fine with it though.
YL: Maybe. See you at school.

I did want to tell him. I couldn't though. There's too many ways it could go. He could hate me, he might not understand, he might tell everyone, he might tell my dad. Way too many options.

Jace's alarm rang out eventually, causing him to throw a mini tantrum before kissing my head and sitting up.

"You okay?"

"Yep. Are you?"

He nodded before throwing his head back down on a pillow.

"Come on, I'll make you some toast."

"No, you don't have to do anything. Let me look after you."

He definitely knows.

"Thanks Jace." I smiled, holding my hand out for him to pull himself up on.

We walked downstairs and his parents had already left for work so we basically had the house to ourselves.

"Do you want toast?"

I nodded, handing him the bread and chocolate spread. He had that fancy stuff, real Nutella and all.

Whilst he was toasting the bread, we messed around a little.

"Let me try and pick you up." Jace nodded.

"As if, you're like a twig."

"Please? I'll be gentle, I promise."

I eventually gave in. Jace swung my legs from underneath me and held me like a baby for a good ten seconds.

"Alright, you've shown off now." I mumbled. I loved it really. He can't know that though.

Jace put me back on the floor and in perfect time too, the toast was thrown out of the toaster with a loud ding.

"Don't put loads on, I want you to actually sleep again tonight." Jace smiled as I practically heaped Nutella on the knife.

I didn't really listen to him. He's three weeks older than me, he can quit it with the rules.

After toast, we got dressed, both in opposite corners as we stared at the wall. I don't want to see him naked but I just thought it was slightly overkill now.

"You ready?"

"I was ready five minutes ago, you not used to changing without your butler and maid?" I teased.

"As if."

"You act like you have ten butlers dude."

"Don't dude me."

"Sorry my sweet love, my only reason for knowing that love is such a feeling of passion, is that better?"

"Piss off."

"Come on, we're going to be late, hurry up."

I pulled at his sleeve until he started walking on his own. We put our shoes on and started walking to school.

Big, Little and Tiny Sef <3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin