Fresh starts.

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Yusuf's POV:

I don't know why I cried so much. I think actually talking about Momma makes me realise how much I miss her, and when Mr Reed weaponised her, I just broke. Ash kept telling me that he's a dick, Youssef kept leaving and coming back. He actually did this for the next week. Up until I didn't see Mr Reed again, one day, two days, three days. I enjoyed the break from him, and thankfully, it turned into the rest of my life without him. At least I hope so.

He got fired. Me and Rae practically threw a party, and now I'm in Mrs Maywood's class until the end of the year. She seems pretty cool, as long as you behave.

I told Stella all about this and she seemed happy for me. She makes me do these quizzes about myself. It's obviously to check that I'm not going to kill myself and I'm not but I get why she has to check.

Asher begged to be removed from the group home and at the moment, he's in another one. A better one apparently. Youssef has been moving Nathan's paints and easel to the attic. His painting room is basically empty now, apart from the canvases on the wall. I hope he's not planning on stopping painting. He's a good teacher, and he's really really good at painting.

"Yusuf? Kiddo, come downstairs for a second?" Youssef called out.

"Have I done something?"

"No, uh- Asher is in a new home. Has he told you?"

I nodded.

"Has he told you everything?"

"He's in a new home because the woman locked him in his room for like two days."

"Yes, but he could...move in with us if you still want that?" Youssef offered with a hidden smile.

My jaw dropped to the floor before I nodded for a good ten seconds. Finally! That's why they've been clearing the room out! For Ashie!!!

"He'll come in a few days, hm? Can you help me decorate for him too?"

I nodded again, my hands curled into fists of excitement. Oh yeah, I'm actually getting assessed for autism now.

"Look, he doesn't know where he's getting placed yet. Let's keep it a surprise?"

"You didn't surprise me."

"No, but I think it would be a good surprise. Asher keeps telling me all these things I need to do to help you and now he can baby you all by himself."

"I'm still yours, and Nathan's. Don't pass me off on a fourteen year old." I spoke quietly.

"Of course you are, but now we've got the encyclopaedia of Yusuf Levy to help out." Youssef smiled before Nathan walked in.

We went shopping for paint and a bed and some shelves. Nathan decided that we could all paint his room, Asher included, so we waited until he would be here. Youssef built his bed and let me pick his duvet and pillow covers so I was a part of everything. On the day Asher was set to arrive, he text me.

"Going to a new home, apparently it's super close to you. I'll come show you once I'm settled."

"Hopefully they're all nice there." I replied, smiling the myself.

Youssef had set up three litres of paint in Asher's bedroom since I had managed to get him to talk about what he'd want his room to look like. He's so easy.

A black car pulled up across the street and I saw Asher get out with his backpack. He looked up at the house across from Youssef's and I saw him shrug. The social worker tapped him and he turned around. I couldn't make out what he said, but I know he saw me in the window.

"Yusuf! Seriously?"

"You get your own room for once, and you get to paint it with Mr Ajayi."

"I'm living here now?"

"Yeah, as long as you don't whinge again and get moved. Come on Ashie." I smiled, dragging him upstairs to his new room.

"I don't think I've ever had my own room. I've either shared with Elias, Noah or you." He spoke quietly, looking at the one bed.

"Or all of us at once. Now you don't have to. And my room is super close, over there." I pointed to my open door with Momma sat up on my pillows.

Asher just sat on his bed for a while. Youssef told me to leave him for a few hours, I understood why but I was excited to live with him again. It had been at least seven months now.

"Come on kiddo, I'll make you some lunch? Huh?" Youssef asked.

"I'll do it. I know how." Asher shook his head and took my wrist. We went down to the kitchen and without a word, he started to make jam sandwiches for me.

Youssef watched from the doorway, answering Asher's rudely asked questions about where everything is.

"Here, in four too. You love jam." Asher nodded, handing me a plate with my sandwiches on.

I nodded. I do like jam.

"Go sit down, I'll be there in a minute."

I walked to the living room and started to eat my sandwiches. Youssef sat down next to me, Asher just stood by me.

"Sit Ash, you're being weird." I chuckled, tugging his shirt a few times until he fell.

"I'm not being weird."

Youssef squeezed my arm gently. Asher was probably just getting used to living with his teachers. I had to get used to it too. It's weird at first but it gets less weird.

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