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The small family was watching the morning news when something caught their eye

'Cotton Weary found dead'

"Oh, shit" Scarlett mutters from the kitchen and Randy looks at her with a raised brow
"I lied. The person that called last night" she admits and he squints at her

"I think he may be the one who killed Cotton. He-he was asking where Sidney was"

They made their way to Sidney's house by the next day. Scarlett knocked on the door while Randy talked to his fiancé in the car

She walks around the house after not hearing an answer smirking as she sees the woman talking to Neil
She hit her hands against the window startling the man since the woman had caught a glimpse of her

"Scarlett!" Neil laughs holding his chest and Sidney laughs going to unlock the door
"Randy's in the car with Rose, told me to go on in while they talked" she explains as Sidney hugs her

"Well, I'm gonna head back home. All of you better be careful" he points before going out to Randy's car window and talking to the man

Rosie plops down beside Sidney on the couch with a sigh after she had grabbed some chips from the pantry

"Guess who's here?" Randy exclaims as the couple walks through the door
Sidney stands up and Randy opens his arms for a hug but she goes to Rosie first and he looks at her in shock

Sidney laughs a bit shaking her head before she lowers her head
"Did you hear about Cotton?" Sidney questions the group and Scarlett cringes a bit

"Sid, we got a call the other night...we think it might have been his killer" Randy explains and Sidney sighs rubbing a hand over her face in frustration

"He sounded like Billy" Scarlett blurts out and Randy whips his head over not knowing that part of the call
"But....it was crackly, I think it was a voice changer" she adds and Sidney nods slowly

"I was working last night...and I got a call, they were pretending to be my mother" she states

They arrived to the police station a bit later that day and Randy held the door open for the three girls
"Sid!" Dewey smiles
"Dewey" she sighs hugging the man

"What are all of you doing down here?" He questions
"Actually, what was I doing up there? Jesus, Dewey. Are you okay?" Sidney asks as she pulls away and the man hugs Scarlett and Randy going to hug Rosie when he stops short

"Oh, yeah, I'm all right"

"Is she all right?" Scarlett asks
"Hey, you know Gale. It'd take a direct hit" he says, Sidney chuckles a bit
"So the news said this was the precinct. Who's the guy Kincaid?"

"Come here" he tells the group
Randy and Rosie stay behind as Scarlett and Sidney follow the man
"I told you to stay hidden" he tells Sidney
"It's not safe for either of you to be here-""the killer called us"


"Yeah, he found us. I'm no more safe there than I am here, and at least here I'm not alone" Sidney states
"Okay, come on" he glances back at Randy who holds up a finger telling him they'll be a minute

Rosie pulls the man outside with a huff
"Randy, I don't know if I can do this" Rosie states and Randy nods understandably
"You can wait in the car. Or go home. But I've gotta do this for Scar" he states

"You don't owe her anything-""Rosie" he breaths out and she glared up at the man
"Why can't you do this for me?" She questions slightly annoyed

"What do you mean?-""you always will choose that girl over me. And I know it" she states and he shakes his head a bit
"I love both of you-""you always pick her!" She exclaims and he runs his hand through his hair in frustration

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