5. Bucket List

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Hyunjin moved his lips slowly, feeling as if he was on top of the world. Suddenly, Felix pulled back. "What's wrong?" Hyunjin asked, afraid Felix would want to act as if nothing happened between them. "It's just, I want you to tell me everything..." Felix looked down at his hands, picking at the skin that was pealing away on his fingers. Hyunjin grabbed his hands and pulled him to come sit on his bed. "When I tell you, you promise you won't leave me?" Hyunjin asked nervously. Felix nodded his head, ready to listen to ever single word Hyunjin was about tot say.

"Okay, so I'm going back to when it all started. Back when I was like 17 or 18, I fought with my mom and dad over something stupid. My dad told me that being gay was disgusting and they would disown me and cut all money from me. I thought they loved me enough to except me, but I was wrong. Terribly wrong. I ran out of the house but I didn't know my mother followed me, as she called out to me,I paused in the middle of the street and I didn't see the car that was driving towards me. My mom ran and pushed me out of the way, but died from brain damage. When my dad found out that my mom died, he blamed it all on me and for the first time ever, he beat me. He hit me so hard that I couldn't walk of a week. After a year, my dad became a drunk and hung himself in front of me. That was right after my dad finished beating me one time, I was stuck on the floor, watching the life in his body slowly drain out of him. After some years, I had to take pills of depression and anxiety. I don't even remember all the drugs that I take each day. I noticed how I kept having nose bleeds, coughing up blood, dizzy spells, and running out of air, so I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with lung cancer. They told me that I hold get surgery, but it could be very risky, about 35% chance I would make it out okay. I didn't want to, so I was just prescribed more drugs and I've been taking them every day. Lately, I've been getting skinnier and losing my appetite and I know that it's getting worse." Hyunjin finished telling the story with a small tear that slid down his cheek.

Felix put his hand on Hyunjins hand, comforting him a little bit. Hyunjin let out a soft chuckle. "You know, ever since I met you, I liked you a lot. You know, I was actually contemplating whether to kill myself or not, but when I saw your bright smile, I wanted to wake up every morning to see it." Felix pulled dark haired boy into a hug. "You went through so much. I'm so sorry." Hyunjin shook his head. "You know, I don't want to wait anymore, I want to do the things I always wanted to do since I'll die soon, so I'd like to ask you, will you be my boyfriend?" Felix smiled as he softly pecked Hyunjin on his soft lips. Hyunjin put his hands on Felix's neck, resting there.

Suddenly, Hyunjin began to feel as if he was about to faint, so he disconnected their kiss and put his hand on his head, trying to feel just a bit better. "Hey! Are you okay?" Felix asked in a startled tone. "Ya, I just- need a minute." Hyunjin looked up and then blood immediately ran down from his nose. Felix quickly stood up and ran I to the bathroom to get some toilet paper. He then gently held Hyunjins nose. "Are you feeling okay now?" Felix looked deeply into Hyunjins eyes. "I'm okay, I feel a bit dizzy, but it'll go away in a few minutes." Hyunjin tried to reassure Felix. "I'll get you some water. That'll help. Here, hold onto this." Felix handed Hyunjin the bloody toilet paper and walked out of the room, getting Hyunjin some water.

As Felix grabbed a cup, he felt all sorts of emotions ready to burst out of him. A small sob escaped his mouth. The crying freckled boy ran the tap, filling the cup up, then turning it off. Before Felix entered Hyunjins bedroom, Felix wiped away his tears and took a deep breath in.

"Here." Felix said before sitting down next to Hyunjin. Hyunjin could notice Felix was crying, although he didn't want to say anything to him about it. The brunette felt bad for the freckled boy. He knew that it was all his fault that he made him sad.

"Felix... I'm sorry. I don't want you to cry, especially over a nobody like me." Hyunjin looked down at his bloody tissue. "No. Don't say that. You're not just a nobody. You're way more." Felix put the cup of water down, then hugged Hyunjin tightly.

"Hyunjin, I have an idea. Why don't you make a bucket list and we will do it together. How does that sound?" Felix smiled with watery eyes. "You said that I'd do it with you?" Hyunjin asked for reassurance. "Yep." "Well, as long as I get to do it with you." Hyunjin kissed Felix on the forehead, then grabbed his cup of water, chugging it down.

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