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Sorrow in the Night

The sun scorched the sky in the fields on the day's set. A fierce battle was taking place as we engaged in combat; the sound of punches and kicks filled the air. We traded blows, evading and countering each other's attacks. I leaped into the air with a swift movement, delivering a powerful double jump kick that sent my father staggering backward. Landing gracefully on the ground, we locked eyes, both knowing the fight had concluded.

Breathing heavily, sweat trickling down our brows, we stood there, acknowledging each other's efforts. This momentous day my father marked the culmination of my training in Ele-ki. My father, having dedicated his time and effort to teaching me this ancient martial art over the past six years, deemed me worthy of the title of a master.

A sense of accomplishment and gratitude filled my heart as I realized the immense knowledge and skill I had acquired under my father's guidance. Our battle had not only tested my physical prowess but also reinforced the bond between us. We shared a moment of pride and mutual respect, recognizing the growth and transformation that had taken place.

My father congratulated me on my achievement with a nod and a smile. We knew this was just the beginning of my journey, as there would always be more to learn and discover. As a master of Ele-ki, I felt a newfound sense of responsibility and determination to utilize my abilities for the greater good.

The training session concluded, and we both retreated to rest and recover. I contemplated the path ahead, envisioning the challenges and adventures awaiting me. With the teachings of Ele-ki ingrained in my being, I was ready to face whatever obstacles came my way, embracing the strength and wisdom I had gained.

From that day forward, I would carry the legacy of Ele-ki within me, honoring my father's teachings and striving to uphold the principles of discipline, focus, and resilience. As a master of this ancient martial art, I vowed to use my skills for justice and protection, making a difference in the world and continuing to grow into the best version of myself.

It had been a staggering six years since my last conversation with Ken—Lyle, who used to visit occasionally. However, as of late, his visits have become scarce. Meanwhile, my Aunt Sarah had taken on the task of preparing me for adventure school, where my true journey awaited. Despite her guidance, a sense of profound disorientation had taken hold of me, leaving me feeling lost. My longing to seek wisdom from Grandleaf had grown insurmountable over time. The perils that lurked within the jungle had deterred me thus far, but tonight, a resolute decision crystallized in my mind. With just one month remaining until the commencement of the ranking tournament, I realized that I had to undertake this pivotal quest.

Physically, I felt prepared for the upcoming challenge, yet my mental fortitude remained uncertain. Three years had passed since Morgan left the island. He had participated in the ranking tournament, where he achieved an impressive third place in his group granting him a C class rank. The village elder recognized Morgan's potential and sent him to the Altas continent, specifically to the forest city of Keimal, home to the renowned adventure school bearing the name Keimal's Academy. Before his departure, Morgan confided in me his intention to join the esteemed engineer guild and become an inventor. His clarity of purpose stood in stark contrast to my own wavering aspirations. Thus, my need to consult Grandleaf and discern my true path became increasingly urgent.

Under the cloak of night, while my parents peacefully slumbered, I seized the opportunity to venture outside. Silently, I tiptoed through the darkness, embarking on my journey towards the hill where Grandleaf's branches stretched out, beckoning me toward enlightenment. Without hesitation, I leaped out of the window, swiftly traversing the distance to the hill. Arriving at my destination, I opened my senses, attuning myself to the symphony of the jungle. Years of rigorous training had endowed me with the ability to perceive any creature within a 5-mile radius. I sensed the presence of a group of monkeybirds, a herd of boarturtals, a solitary montilian, and a few forest cats. These were the only entities I perceived as potential threats. While the boarturtals were massive herbivores, they would attack if provoked. The raucous calls of the monkeybirds could attract other animals, and the swiftness of the forest cats posed a formidable challenge. However, my current distance from them provided some comfort.

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