Ara Academy

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 The Trials of Archaeology

The next morning arrived, and I found myself in my room, getting ready for my first day at school. The school uniform fit me perfectly—a white shirt, blue sapphire pants, and a gray jacket adorned with the academy emblem. Excitement and nervousness filled me as I realized that this was the day I had been eagerly awaiting. I had prepared myself thoroughly, but a sense of fear lingered in my mind. I made my way downstairs, where my mother had left breakfast and lunch for me. Eating my breakfast helped calm my nerves. Afterward, I headed outside to retrieve my hoverboard and embarked on my journey to the Academy.

Requesting the fastest route from my AI, I navigated the city with a growing sense of excitement and thrill. Thoughts of my grandfather's hurtful words about my father and enhancers resurfaced, filling me with rage. However, today was a special day—a day when I would become an archaeologist. Upon reaching the final corner, the Academy building loomed before me, an imposing structure that stood out as one of the largest in the city. Its vibrant colors and numerous water fountains made it a spectacular sight. As I approached, I noticed thousands of children gathered outside, waiting in line. Joining the line, I eventually reached the front desk, where a lady asked for my card. Handing it to her eagerly, I watched as her expression changed to one of shock. She exclaimed, "Oh, you are Miss Westbook's son. I'm sorry, but this line is not for you." Curious and bewildered, I inquired, "Where am I supposed to go?" She directed me to enter through the main door, where another lady awaited me in the hallway.

True to her words, a lady was indeed waiting for me as I entered. Introducing myself, I was informed that I was part of a special acceptance and was instructed to follow her. We proceeded to her office, where she handed me a glowing stone and instructed me to place my hand on it while stating which class I would be attending. Doing as she said, I learned that my energy capacity was unusually high for my age, and I had been fully registered in the school. She asked me again which class I wished to join, and I confidently replied, "I want to study archaeology." With her affirmation, she declared, "All right, young man, you are now officially a student." She provided me with an ID and informed me that I needed to proceed to the waiting hall with the other applicants, where the principal would make an announcement. Before I left, she offered a warning, cautioning me to be careful as some of the students possessed formidable powers. I chuckled, assuring her, "I'm not worried."

Arriving at the waiting hall, I was met with the sight of around a thousand children from various parts of the globe engaged in their own conversations. Despite the lively atmosphere, I stood there filled with excitement, eagerly anticipating the principal's announcement. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my back and turned around to find Elizabeth and Carl, both wearing bright smiles. Elizabeth exclaimed, "Hey, Kyron! I didn't know you were coming to this Academy too!" I responded, "Yes, this has been my lifelong dream—to become an archaeologist at Ara Academy." She remarked, "Wow, you never know! Let's see how things go here. I'm happy that you're living your dream." Carl added, "Hey, the principal is about to make the announcement." The crowd fell silent as the principal stepped onto the stage, offering a warm welcome. When I looked at his face, I realized with a heavy heart that the principal was none other than my grandfather. I lowered my head, feeling a mix of emotions. Concerned, Elizabeth noticed and asked if I was okay. I assured her that everything was fine, attributing my behavior to a minor headache.

My grandfather proceeded to address the new students, sharing his expectations for excellence and urging each of us to give our best. Although shocked by this revelation, I couldn't let it dampen my spirits. Elizabeth expressed her hopes that I would be prepared for the challenges that awaited us at the Academy. As the principal dismissed everyone and instructed us to proceed to our designated classrooms, I bid farewell to Elizabeth and Carl, thrilled at the prospect of studying together. Eagerly, I began searching for my classroom, exploring every corner of the Academy, but it seemed elusive. Eventually, I realized that my class, ARC3, was located at the very bottom of the Academy based on alphabetical order. After an extensive search, I finally stumbled upon ARC 3.

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