The Great Saga

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The EastBook Debate

As I gazed at my savior, my vision blurred, and a sharp pain shot through my shoulder. I couldn't believe what had just transpired on my own birthday. An unknown assailant had attacked me, and to add to the confusion, someone I thought was thousands of miles away now stood before me. I strained to focus on his face, but consciousness slipped away from me.

In the background, my grandfather's voice rang out with fury, demanding to know the meaning of the attack. My mother's scream of my name echoed through the air, filled with worry and fear. Their footsteps hurried towards me, and my brother Bryan, ever the protector, urged my mother to use her healing powers.

In a surprising turn of events, my mother addressed Bryan with a hint of astonishment, "Bryan? What are you doing here? Forget about that; stand aside; let me help him."

As my grip on consciousness loosened, I heard my grandfather's commanding voice, "He is the one I call to protect him."

The world around me faded to black, the voices blending into silence as if death had claimed its hold on me.

In what felt like a fleeting moment, I regained consciousness. The sun's blue rays streamed through the window, casting a warm glow in the room. In the background, I could hear voices—my mother and my brother engaged in conversation. Bryan reassured her, "Don't worry, Mom, he's going to be okay. Just head back to work, and I'll let you know as soon as he wakes up." Mom replied, "Keep me informed as soon as he wakes."

The sound of the door closing signaled my mother's departure from the room. Then, Bryan's footsteps approached my bedside. He sat in a chair nearby, and his distinctive red hair reminded me of our shared heritage from our father's side of the family. Clad in black battle armor with a cloak and carrying a black-bladed battle axe, his serious expression bore the weight of countless battles.

Seizing the opportunity, I propped myself up in bed and addressed my brother, "So we finally meet, brother." He smiled in response and said, "Yeah, it seems that way. You look just like him, you know." His words left me shocked, and I asked, "Who do you mean?" Bryan continued, "Dad. It's been a while since I saw him, and I miss him dearly. How was he the last time you saw him?" The sadness and worry in his expression resonated with me. I replied, "He's doing well, still tending to his daily chores on the farm."

As my brother and I delved into nostalgic conversations, I felt an overwhelming sense of bliss. Our bond grew stronger during the talk. But soon, Bryan shifted the topic, his demeanor becoming grave. He said, "Kyron, I need you to understand the seriousness of this matter."

Bryan continued, his voice serious, "The man who attacked you is a member of the Cloak division, under the control of the royal family. While you were unconscious, we examined his body and found a tattoo with the royal seal." I was in disbelief, trying to fathom why such a person would target me. Suddenly, a memory from the cafeteria flashed in my mind, and the realization struck me—I was in deep trouble.

My brother pressed on, "Those kids you confronted are spoiled brats who believe the world is their personal plaything." His words left me feeling dejected, thinking that I could have avoided all this if I had just given up my seat. But I had to stand up for myself. Frustration boiled inside me, and I retorted, "So what was I supposed to do, give up and let them bully me for the rest of my life?" Bryan urged me to calm down and acknowledged that I should have picked my battles more wisely. He didn't advise me against standing up to bullies, but he emphasized that we must deal with the consequences of our actions.

After that conversation, I learned I passed out for two days. During that time, Uncle Brock asked everyone at the party to keep the incident quiet while he conducted an investigation. Meanwhile, my friends were asked to stay at the mansion and were currently downstairs with Professor Leftturn. Grandfather had sent for the two other clan leaders. From Bryan's explanation, I learned that the four continents had a government system, but the true rulers were known as the Four Greats—The Great Shifter, The Great Enhancer, The Great Sage, and The Great Noble.

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