Flower Garden Madness

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The protector

The professor took his leave, and we headed to Carl and Liz's room, where two guards from the school's security were stationed. To myself, I questioned, "Why must they be guarded? They allowed us in, and we entered the room. Carl was lying on a bed while Liz was in a Flower recuperation chamber in stasis. Carl greeted us, saying, "Hey guys, thanks for coming." My heart sank as I approached Liz's chamber, placing my hand on it while worry flooded inside me. Her eyes were closed, and memories of Lyle at the ranking tournament flashed through my mind.

Blackscythe inquired, "What did the doctor say about y'all condition?" Carl replied, "I'm fine; I was cleared to leave in two days. They need to run some tests, and then I can go. But Elizabeth will need a month to recuperate fully." Louis expressed concern, saying, "What happened, you guys? Why do these trials seem to get harder as we come closer to the end?" Esther wore a contemplative and worried expression as she stared at Liz's chamber and said, "Louis is right. There's something strange happening. It's as if someone doesn't want us to pass the trials."Then Blackscythe, with confidence and bravery, added to the conversation, "The professor said to meet him in class tomorrow. It's there where we will get our answers. So for now, let's be grateful that no one is dead, and let's hope that Elizabeth wakes up soon."

Carl looked puzzled by the professor's words, "The professor said that? That only makes me more worried." Blackscythe retorted, "Stop quivering in your pants, loser. We have succeeded, and for us, the only path is to keep moving forward. You have to pick yourself up and let us move on to the next trial." After saying that, both he and Esther left the room, leaving the rest of us behind. Then, Louis and I followed suit. Before I left, I gave Carl the invitation for him and Liz to my birthday party, and he sadly said, "Thank you." and continued to stare at his bed. Feeling a mix of relief and gratitude that everyone was alive and safe, I made my way home.

I arrived home feeling broken because no matter how stronger I became, I felt as though I was unable to save anyone. My mother and Darius were in the living room, and upon seeing the worried look on my face, Mom asked if everything was okay. I responded, "We passed our second trial, but one of my friends got hurt in the process." Shocked and worried, she asked, "What happened?" I then gave her the full details of what occurred in the simulation room. My words seemed to cause terror to wash over her, and she quickly left the room to make a call on her phone.

Sensing my worry, Darius spoke to me, trying to offer wisdom and comfort. He said, "Sorry that you had to go through that terrifying situation, little Kyron." He then called me to sit next to him at the table, and I obeyed, curious about his words of wisdom. Darius continued, "Let me give you some advice from someone who sees the dead every day. These words are from my mentor, 'You are a protector, and to protect in battle, you don't need fear. If you're protecting someone, you don't let them die. If you attack to protect someone, you don't let them die. If someone attacks those you seek to protect, you attack to kill.' All I sense from you, little one, is fear, and you don't need that on the battlefield. You must stop holding back your power. My beast senses allow me to sense those who are powerful, and the day I saw you, I sensed a powerful entity before me. You have the power; you just need to use it." His words struck a chord in me, and I felt a renewed sense of determination.

Darius got up, patting me on the back, and took his leave, saying, "I hope you put my words into consideration, and please let your mother know I had to go." After my mother finished her call, she said to me, "Honey, I know you had a long day, and from the information I gathered, your friends are in no danger at this moment. But your teacher has the full details on this matter. So, all I can tell you, for now, is to be careful, and if this type of incident continues, I will have no choice but to pull you from that academy." My emotions got the best of me, and I lashed out at my mother in a rage, saying, "You can't just pull me from school like that, Mom! First, Dad, now you. Why are you doing this to me? I am going to become an archaeologist, and nothing will stop me." Her words struck a chord in me, awakening the dormant beast, but I also remembered the strength and authority my mother possessed. With just one look and a few words, she humbled me and sent me to my room. Despite growing more powerful, I was still bound by the chains of love and undying loyalty to my family. I headed to my room with Leo running behind me, reflecting on everything that happened during the trials. Lying on my bed, I kept asking myself, "What could I have done to make it better? What did I do wrong? I did everything, even turning off my gravity watch at the start of the battle, so what could have caused this much damage to happen?" Fatigue from the trial caught up with me, and I fell asleep as the ivory-green full moon's glow shone through my window.

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