Trail Two

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The Pentagon

We completed our task with an unexpected outcome. Professor Leftturn asked us to be seated while he went over the instructions for the second trial. As he searched for the holographic disc, his desk appeared chaotic, and one of his folders fell to the floor, revealing the words 'The Day of Red Metal.' He quickly picked it up and continued searching, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this mysterious folder.

Finally, he found the disc and projected a holographic screen with a detailed image of the upcoming trial. The excitement in the room was palpable as he explained that we would be locked in a room and tasked with solving a complex puzzle using five different stones to escape. However, there was a catch – if we assembled the puzzle incorrectly, a door would open, and we'd have to face a powerful enemy. Professor Leftturn warned us about the strength of these foes, urging us to be cautious before presenting our puzzle on the pedestal.

With the instructions delivered, he dismissed us for the day, and anticipation hung in the air like static electricity. The trial was set to begin the following morning, and we were all eager to put our skills to the test once more. Our camaraderie had grown stronger, and we were ready to face whatever challenges awaited us.

As everyone rushed to the cafeteria, I decided to stay back and inquire about the mysterious folder. When alone with the professor, I couldn't resist asking, "Hey, professor, I noticed you dropped a folder earlier. What is 'The Day of Red Metal'?" His demeanor changed, and a flicker of fear crossed his face. He quickly brushed it off and evaded the question, telling me to focus on the upcoming trial. His reaction only heightened my curiosity, but I decided to let it go for now.

Joining my friends at the bulletin board, I overheard rumors that not only had our class passed, but two other beginner classes had as well. The excitement in the air was infectious, and we proudly admired the congratulations sign for our class and the others. To our surprise, one of the successful classes belonged to none other than the prince.

While standing by the bulletin board, Elizabeth overheard the conversation among the students. One of the prince's teammates walked by and said with a smug tone, "Well, well, it seems like your class isn't as useless as I thought."

Another teammate chimed in, "Yeah, they must have gotten lucky. But don't worry, and we'll find out who really is the best in trial three."

The words sparked Elizabeth's curiosity, and she turned to Carl and the others, asking, "What happens in trial three?"

Carl, always eager to share his knowledge, explained, "I'm not sure about all the details, but from what I learned, trial three is where the first ten classes that pass trial two will compete against each other. It's like a final showdown to determine the ultimate winner."

Esther and Blackscythe both nodded in agreement, and Blackscythe added confidently, "Well, we shouldn't have any problems because we're aiming for the top."

Walking home with Carl, I learned more about the fearsome Cardinal Beasts—creatures of unimaginable power. Liz shared her personal connection to one of them, a giant sea serpent called Otonoapat, worshipped as a Water God in her hometown. The revelation left me astounded by the vastness of the world and the incredible dangers that lurked within.

 As the sun set, Elizabeth approached me, and with a warm smile, she hugged him, saying, "Be safe, and see you tomorrow."

Blushing at her gesture and her bright eyes, I replied, "Thank you." They waved goodbye, and he continued on his way, filled with determination and excitement for the upcoming trials.

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