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As the World Turns

I awoke from a recurring nightmare, the sky transforming into the ominous shape of a devil's head. Seeking solace, I glanced out the window, where the massive tree stood against the horizon as the sun heralded a new day. My father's voice beckoned me downstairs, informing me that breakfast was ready and reminding me of the impending school day. As I descended, my mother greeted me, her rare presence a cherished moment in my life. As the esteemed head doctor at the local hospital, her demanding schedule often kept her away, making these brief encounters all the more special. With a tender goodbye, she soared off to work, leaving me a loving reminder to enjoy my day at school and professing her love.

Everyone possesses unique abilities categorized as Sages, Enhancers, Nobles, or Shifters, each named according to the powers they manifest from birth. My mother, a third-grade class sage, held the esteemed rank of the strongest sage in the city. My name is Kyron Westbook, a mere five years old, and this is my story.

On my way to the school transport, I was greeted by my older cousin, Morgan, who always guided and looked out for me during our time at school. I harbored a dark secret that must remain hidden at all costs, as its revelation could endanger my life.

As the transport took flight, I peered down to glimpse my father waving in the distance, his face radiant with happiness. However, deep down, I knew the truth. He would prefer me to stay home and tend to the farm. My father, a five-class enhancer, owned a farm supplying over thirty percent of the country's food. Unlike my mother, who believed otherwise, he disagreed about my fitting in at school.

Arriving at my school, which may not have been the finest establishment, I cherished the friendships I had forged within its walls. Lyle and Ken, my two closest friends, awaited me at the gate each morning. They were the only ones entrusted with my secret, an extraordinary trait that, if exposed, could spell trouble for my family.

During recess, Lyle unveiled his impressive collection of glowing, magnetic stones that intertwined and changed colors. Our enjoyment, however, was short-lived as the school bully, Alex Ward, appeared, attempting to seize Lyle's prized possessions. Unwilling to let him torment my friend, I stood up to Alex and reclaimed what was rightfully Lyle's. Despite Alex's advanced class rank and R-level ability, I couldn't stand by and allow him to bully those weaker than him. He retaliated, unleashing his fury upon me, subjecting me to a relentless beating. My cousin intervened, ending Alex's assault and alerting the teachers of the incident.

In the aftermath, I sought refuge in the nurse's office, tears streaming down my face. My hidden truth had been unveiled—I was born without special abilities. My father had informed me that on the day of my birth, a massive magnetic storm from space had struck the planet, granting extraordinary powers to some children born that day. Sadly, I wasn't among the fortunate ones who inherited such abilities.

After the school day concluded, I waited anxiously at the gate for my cousin, but he never arrived. The transport operated exclusively in the morning, leaving me increasingly worried as the sun descended, casting an ominous darkness. Contemplating my life's twists and turns, I understood that this moment marked a pivotal juncture in my journey, compelling me to step forward with unwavering bravery toward home.

Yet, my trepidation extended beyond the mere act of walking; it encompassed the unknown dangers lurking deep within the jungle. Our home, nestled on the island of Barnust, resided in a Mayan village inhabited by a formidable species of ferocious lizards known as Monotilian. These carnivorous reptiles, stretching up to nine feet in height and 12 feet in length , posed a constant threat along the pathway to our village. While we possessed a beacon that typically deterred these beasts, my father had once warned me of when the beacon failed, leading to a Monotilian breaching our defenses. That incident resulted in the death of six individuals, prompting five fourth-grade class power holders to embark on a perilous hunt to eliminate the beast. The hunters returned with the disheartening news that once a Monotilian tasted human blood, the beacon's signal became ineffective, rendering it impossible to repel them.

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