Attention (and me spilling my emotions...)

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No, this is not a part two. No, I'm not doing an another promotion.

I am here to say that I will be dismissing myself of Wattpad for a while.

Aaaannd if you want t9 skip the part after the "studies" go ahead. I won't judge you.

Recently, I have been trying to keep up with my studies, especially when I'm a freshman in high school, I also have extracurricular activities that take up most of my free time.

Especially when I have to start preparing for Regents and SAT. I really care about how I do well in my studies. Even though I do feel pressured, I understand that it's for my own good.

*You may skip this part*

However, that is not the case. This time, I've been hit with this thing... Yeah...


No, its not depression. Depression is even worse. This apparently is nothing (according to my older sister)

A few days ago, me and my best friend got into an argument, I won't explain the details but all I can tell you is that it hit me hard. My best friend is mad at me, and she thinks that I betrayed her.

Maybe I'm overreacting but when I heard that she has been mad at me, I started breaking down to pieces. I'm probably this overly - sensitive teenager but I couldn't help it but cry and sob when I got home.

There was never a time when she was ever upset or mad at me. Well... Yeah maybe a little bit upset because I kept shoving yaoi at her once....


Do you know that anxious feeling when your best friend isn't talking to you for at least three days. Three Days. I know that there were people who faced worse but to me, three days felt like three months.

Does she hate me? Why isn't she talking to me? Did I do something wrong.

And yes. I did something wrong. I did something terribly wrong. And now that I know that I did something wrong, I feel like staying on my bed and not getting up. I am afraid. Even when my other friends tell me that it would be OK, I'll just cry more.

What if it never resolves? What will I do now?

Not only that but I have nearly the same extracurricular activities as her. But I can't just ditch it. I want to make an effort at school. But I absolutely dislike avoiding her. Yes, I'm scared, but that's not an excuse for me not wanting to talk to her.

But some people are telling me to give her more time.... *sigh* I don't know but I'm just depressed recently in both studies and friendships.

*sigh* So that is my conclusion. But who knows when I will come back. Earliest date might either be next winter or next year (not because of my emotional self but because of my studies (wohoo regents.... Yaaaaaayy.....))

For now, you gotta deal with the other authors..... Ahahahaha...

If you guys have any additional questions or comments, just message me here on Wattpad. Even if I won't be writing stories, I will be checking on it weekly.

Thank you guys for waiting. Don't worry, I'll be back up in no time!



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2015 ⏰

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