Chapter 3: Bruder

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   While he was cooking, the door bursted open. A loud voice could be heard yelling, "Zhe awesome me is here!! Kesesesese~" Ludwig groaned and came out of the kitchen. (Name) stood up and walked to where the voice came from.


Who the bloody hell was that man?....

   A man came in with white hair and red eyes...and was that a bird on his head?!. "Kesesese~ I'm home!" The man said grinning like an idiot. This must be his brother... (Name) thought. :Ludwig groaned and looked at the albino as he came in to the living. "Vhy did you come home early today? You said you'll be back at 9..." Ludwig asked with those sweatdrops you've seen in those animes. You looked at the big clock to see it was only 6 o'clock.

   "Kesese~ ja, while zhe awesome me vas hanging out vith Antonio and Francis, Francis tried to flirt vith a frau and got kicked by the nuts and ve had to take back home" "She vas a feisty frau indeed! I should ask for her number from the awesom- OOOWWW!" 

   "VHAT IS VRONG VITH YOU, THINKING SUCH IDIOTIC THINGS?!?!" Ludwig scolded, hitting him with a red bump on the albino's head. (Name) just stared at the two emotionless. Ludwig's brother turned to (Name). "Vho's this? Your leibe? Kese~ I thought vould never have one!!" The little bird chirped while (Name)'s eyes glared at the man a little while Ludwig blushed and stammered, "N-nein!! I just found her on  the streets!!".

   The albino stared at you for a second before he pouted and said, "Aww~ I thought you guys had a relationship or somet- OOWWW!! VHAT THE HELL?!?!" You took a nearby newspaper and happily joined the bashing with Ludwig and smiled? It was the first time you smiled ever since that tragic fate. 

   After that hitting fiesta, Ludwig took a glance at you and saw you smiling. His look softened as he stared at your (e/c) eyes. He saw you turning towards him. Ludwig immediately looked away blushing a bit. 

   The albino got up and rubbed his bumbs a bit. "Oww... you guys sure putted up a punch..." "Anyvays!" He got up and reached his hand out. "Vell then frau, my awesome name is zhe awesome but call me Gilbert!" He reached up to pat the little bird and smiled. "This is my awesome little bird, Gilbird!" (Name) nodded saying and shaking his hand, "It is a pleasure to meet you Gilbert, my name is (Name) Takamasa"  (Name) looked at the little bird and tickled the belly. "It's nice to meet you too Gilbird" (Name) may be cold to other people but she has a soft spot for animals. Gilbert smirked and went up closer to (Name).  "(Name)... Kesese~ Vhat a name for a pretty frau like you~".

   Ludwig went  back to the kitchen and continued cooking and yelled, "Ve're having mashed potatoes and vurst vith gravy so set the table Gilbert!!" Gilbert ran off to the dining room while murmuring "Kesese~ come my little Gilbird". (Name) stared at him getting dishes ((This house is big just to tell you)). (Name) went to the kitchen to find Ludwig making the gravy for the potatoes. 

   (Name) came up to him and tapped his shoulder. "He turned to see (Name) and said "Do you need something?". (Name) shook her head and asked softly, "No, I only wanted to ask if you needed any help" Sure, she hates people now but at least Ludwig saved her from a cold! 

   Ludwig began to think for a moment while stirring the gravy. After he was done, he poured the gravy in a small bowl. He turned to (Name) and said, "Hmm vell, you can serve the dishes to the table while I check on your clothes to see if your clothes are dry". (Name) nodded and murmured an "Ok" while taking the big mashed potato pot carefully while walking to the table. It wasn't that heavy, considering (Name) was strong and could handle a couple hundreds of pounds ((Want the answer? Okay, you secrectly practiced in the private gym... good thing your father didn't knew...)). 

   (Name) putted the pot down, seeing that Gilbert was done with his task. You saw him sleeping on the chair while snoring. You thought carefully on why the hell would he sleep when he just got back from outside? Weird. You went back to see Ludwig cleaning the pots. It reminded you of your mother who would clean the pots after cooking. You stared at him for a while and then broke out of your little dilly-dally world to see Ludwig staring at you back. 

   You blushed a bit and then franticlly but carefully took the gravy and wurst to the table still blushing a bit. Your blush soon disappeared when seeing Gilbert taking a sneaky bite out of the mashed potaoes. You made a small glare at Gilbert while he took another sneaky bite and turned to see you. You loved potatoes actually. Your grandmother from your mother's side had a potato farm and you and your parents often visit your grandmother and she would always make homemade potato pancakes, homemade mashed potatos, homemade fries, homemade chips or whatever was made out of potatoes. Yup, your life was that wonderful. And if anyone touches her meal without her permission... well....

   You had a dark aura around you while you glared at him with your scary (e/c) Gilbert  became a bit horrified and screamed, "Ahhh!! Kese! You're scarier than Russia and Belarus combined!! Aaahhh!!" Umm I think I was wrong when I said he was a bit horrified. He seemed extremely scared and he wanted to run out of the house. But you broke your scary trance while tilting your head a bit in confusion. Russia? Belarus? Aren't those countries? Why is he saying those names as if they were real people? You thought to yourself.

   Seeing you broke your trance for a bit, he escaped, with you finding him gone and seeing the small bowl of gravy and a bowl of wurst still in your hands. You quickly put them on the table and saw Ludwig coming towards you without his apron. "Vhere is Gilbert?" Ludwig asked. "It looks like he escaped..." you said with your brows narrowed. Ludwig knew Gilbert did something wrong and asked with a bit of a annoyed tone, "Vhat did he do?..." There was a silence and  you whispered, "He ate the potatoes..."

   Ludwig stared at you for a while and you had a depressed face. He had a sweatdrop and asked, "Vant me to do something?". You shook your head and said, "Do you have anything I could use?" He knew exactly what you meant and pointed to a long metal broom. "You can use that (Name)..."  Ludwig replied keeping a serious face. (Name) went towards the broom picking it up and started to run after Gilbert.

   You could sense ghosts and supernatural creatures ever since you were little so it wasn't that hard to find Gilbert. You found him outside, behind the big fountain. He was typing away from his phone while Gilbird was chirping. Gilbert seemed to be a little bit scared seeing that he trembled. You came closer to him and was about to hit him until he turned around and jumped away just in time. He immediately ran away and you ran after him in a unhumanly speed. "AAAAAHHHH SOMEONE SAVE MEEE!!! HEEELLPP!!" He screamed while you had a angered face while mumbling "Don't. Ever. Try. Doing that. AGAIN" He turned around, still daring not to stop running, "I WILL! I WILL! JUST DON'T HIT THAT AT ME!!" 

   You broke your trance and now kept a poker face saying, "Really?" Gilbert furiously nodded his head and you turned back to the mansion and said, "Dinner's ready so you should get back home" You walked to the dining room opening the front door, leaving a terrified and relieved Gilbert behind. The little puffy bird chirped towards him. Gilbert turned around to pet Gilbird on the head. "Vell, my little birdie! Time to eat!" The yellow btrd chirped in response. Gilbert went in to the house as if nothing happened....

((IM DONE!!! HELLA YEAH!!! I WAS PLAYING A LOT OF RPG GAMES* SO I DIDN'T UPDATE MY STORY.... =3= Oh well, my other story will be updated soon sooo.....))

* I was playing, Mad Father, Ib, and Pom Gets Wi-Fi sooo......

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