Chapter 2: Stained Memories

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((Hallo everyonneee~~ As an apology for taking so long to make a new chapter, I made a longer chapter this time!!! Veee~ I hope you like this chapter veee~~))

The man opened the door, letting (Name) come in. "Mein bruder is outside right now so I can prepare a bath for you." The girl responded with a nod. After the man prepared the bath, the girl got in the bathroom, stripped off her wet clothes and went in the bath soaking in the warmness. She sighed as she took off her bandage from her eyes. It revealed a two colored eye girl. Her right eye was (e/c) while the other eye was (other color of your choice) as she saw her reflection on the water. (Name) remembered her past as she looked up at the ceiling


"Mommy! Mommy!" the little (h/c) haired girl yelled while hugging her mom's leg. "Hi my dear (Name)~" her mom said bending down to her length to hug the girl, (Name) (Last name). (Name) was a young girl who loved cooking with her mom. Her dad was a doctor, who took care of (Name) whenever the little girl was sick. Her mom was of course, a weird mom who was a fortune teller who loved to cook. She taught (Name) how to cook. The family was very rich and had a mansion. The maids and butlers loved little (Name) ; small, petite, and sweet. 

They were all a happy family until something horrible happened. When (Name) came home from a school party, she stared in horror as the mansion was on fire. She was only 11 years old at that time. She ran in to the house seeing the butlers and maids dead with a knife stabbed to their heart.

Her parents too.

(Name) eyes widened as she saw her parents lying on the floor with the worst treatment. They had scars all over their faces with a knife stabbed in their hearts and a bullet in each head... (Name) sobbed as she felt a presence behind her. She saw a man, who had a hoddie over him so the girl couldn't see him. The man took a knife out and aimed for her heart. She was closing her eyes hoping she wouldn't get killed. She opened her eyes slowly to see another man stopping him. It was (Name)'s butler, who took care of her everyday, helped her in... everything. (Name) was happy and was about to hug him but when he turned around, she immediately got scared. Her butler had a knife in hand and was smiling creepily. He walked foward while (Name) was stepping backwards, her (e/c) pupils widening. He ran and stabbed her in the eye...

She was betrayed.

~End of Flashback~

(Name) sighed as she remembered what happened next. She was found by a passerby and was taken to the hospital to perform eye surgery. She had the option to get an artificial eye. (Name) agreed and chose (color of your choice~). She covered her left eye with a bandage so it could remain a secret. But the main thing was that she couldn't trust anyone anymore. (Name) became more quiet and cold to the new maids and butlers. She then ran away with as much money she could get. She kept herself alive with that much money while escaping from police or other puplic authorities. 

But sooner or later, she ran out of money and started stealing in the age of 16 till now. She had been pickpocketing and begging. She had seen herself on the news saying she was missing or something like that. But when she still had money, she had dyed her hair so it was safe for her to go outside. She had been like this until the German found her in the alley.

(Name) finished bathing and changed to a oversized white shirt and shorts that was given from the man. She putted her bandage on and went to the living room. The man saw her and motioned her to sit down. (Name) sat down next to the German without saying anything, hugging her knees like how the german saw when he found her. "Vhat's your name?" he asked. (Name) thought for a minuite figuring out a last name. "I must keep my identity a secret" (Name) thought. She wanted to keep her first name but she has to change her last name. She thought and thought until an idea popped.


She had found a new last name. She spoke softly saying, "(Name), (Name) Takamasa". The man said, revealing his name, "Ludwig Beilschmidt". "Vhere do you live?" Ludwig asked. "I.....I don't have a home..." (Name) replied. There was a long silence while Ludwig was thinking thoughtfully. "Vould you like to stay at my house?" Ludwig finally said, breaking the silence. (Name) stared at him and was going to say no but stopped to think for a moment.

If she went out again, she would have to steal again or otherwise she would not live. But pickpocketing leads to be held under police custody. She only wanted to be alone but staying in his house seemed to be the only choice. She looked up at Ludwig's pale blond hair and baby blue eyes and nodded. To tell the truth, he was quite handsome or as some other socialized girls say... "hot" or "sexy". (Name) mentally blushed and shook her head. "No way would I call him in that term..." she thought with disgust on that word.  

Ludwig went to the kitchen and asked "Are you hungry?" Hungry? No way, (Name) was starving!! (Name) just nodded as her stomach growled. Somehow, she wanted to stab her stomach for growling so loud. She lied down and stared at the wall. Ludwig was making something which looked like mashed-up potatoes and sausages.... While he was cooking, the door bursted open. A loud voice could be heard yelling, "Zhe awesome me is here!! Kesesesese~" Ludwig groaned and came out of the kitchen. (Name) stood up and walked to where the voice came from.


Who the bloody hell was that man?....

((MEIN GOTT I'M DOOONNEEE~~ I have Summer School as you can see and I have a test on Friday!! Yeah, I know right? IT SUCKS!!! But I'll try my best to make chapters, kay? *whispers* Okey Dokey~~ ))

((Oh yeah.... sorry if the naming part was like OCC and stuff))

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