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Chapter 9 Withdrawal Procedure

Tang Shaoan's father has blue eyes and his mother has black eyes, but his two eyes are one blue and one green. His parents were extremely loving and loyal, and there could be no other secrets, and finally asked the doctor to find out why.

It turned out that his grandfather's green eyes recessive gene was inherited to Tang Shaoan's body from generation to generation, and the blue and green eyes color genes were expressed at the same time, which caused Tang Shaoan's eyes to be different from ordinary people.

The probability of this color is only one in 100 million.

At most, only more than 2,000 of the more than 200 billion people in the empire will have this situation, and the color of the eyes is not necessarily one blue and one green. Why is the little boy in front of him not only the same color as him, but also has his GT-00 robot?

Tang Shaoan tried to grasp the wisp of thought that appeared in his mind but couldn't, and then saw the little boy stuffing two clothes into the metal palm of GT-00 through the ghost screen.

"Thank you Beanie!" The little boy smiled sweetly, then turned and ran out of the bathroom.

Thanks for what? Tang Shaoan was confused, found that GT-00 bent over and said, "No thanks, my master", then took the clothes to the sink, stuffed the plug, put water, poured laundry detergent in one go, and immediately began to rub and wash the clothes.

The first military robot GT-00 of the empire, with many military skills such as reconnaissance, combat, and detection, can pick twenty robot soldiers, and now has become a household robot that washes clothes by hand?

What about your intelligent mind? What about your martial arts skills? Is it all short-circuited and burned? Or was it sabotaged?

Seeing his precious robot destroyed like this, Tang Shao's anger suddenly appeared, but he couldn't locate the robot's position and couldn't control its body, so he could only watch everything quietly through the ghost screen but couldn't do anything.

A minute later, there was a playful laughter outside the bathroom door, sounding like an adult and a child. The voice gradually approached, and Tang Shaoan saw the man holding the little boy into the bathroom in the mirror in the sink.

The man's white face was slightly powdery, and the corners of his mouth had a spoiled smile, which was exactly the face that Tang Shaoan remembered!

Tang Shaoan on the hospital bed grinded his teeth and sat straight and motionless.

Three years ago, he kindly brought this man home from the bar, but he didn't expect that he took the GT-00 number after being hardened by the other party's overlord, and now the other party has destroyed the GT-00 robot like this...

Tang Shaoan turned on the camera function of the wisdom brain, intending to look at it for a while longer to collect clues, find the location of the man as soon as possible, and let the adjutant take someone to capture him.

Damaging military advanced robots at will is not as simple as losing money.

After Sugar Candy, who was wearing only a pair of small shorts, ran out of the bathroom, he found his father trotting behind him, and immediately happily stepped out of his little short legs and played a game of chasing me with his father in the room.

"Yay!" Seeing that his father's big hand was about to touch himself, Little Sugar Candy screamed excitedly, accelerating to dodge away.

Guan Yu deliberately released water to let the baby continue to run in front, and he chased behind unhurriedly.

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