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Chapter 76: A Complete Showdown

In Guan Jiaqiang's office, Guan Yu did not suspect Tang Shaoan, but only treated him as a fox fake tiger wei, and used the name of the prince to relieve himself of the siege.

After all, he knew that Tang Shaoan's trip was for the prince, and it was not surprising that there was a video of the prince endorsing him.

But an email he received on the way home planted a seed of doubt in his heart, and it quickly germinated and grew.

Nong Jiamao sent him a private email, saying that the senior leaders of the Imperial Academy of Agricultural Sciences had asked him and Song Lao to question, asking in detail about the two selling plant seeds to Guan Yu, and inquiring whether the two knew the mystery of this genetic technology, and it sounded like important people were inquiring.

Nong Jiamao and Song Yi didn't know anything, Song Yi continued to answer the recent work of the Institute of Botany, and Nong Jiamao found an excuse to sneak out and quickly sent an email to Guan Yu.

Over the past time, Guan Yu has been nervous, his thoughts are flying wildly, and he immediately thinks of the prince, and some neglected fragmentary clues have gradually become clear.

Tang Shaoan and the prince staged a bitter drama and came to Drewstar after escaping from the capital star. Tang Shaoan said that it was for official business, but they all revolved around the field and themselves. Tang Shaoan's thoughts always coincided with him, and he was particularly concerned about him and Sugar Candy.

In the past three years, Tang Shaoan never contacted the original owner, but sent gifts and emails after he came to Drew Star to start farming.

Could Tang Shaoan have come for his cultivation technique?

Everything that happened makes sense: why he used the pseudonym "Mr. T" in the first place, why he contacted after growing potatoes, why he offered to set up an online store...

But these days, Tang Shaoan's concern does not seem to be fake, and his care and care for himself...

Guan Yu fell into contradiction, but Tang Shaoan's eyes became colder and colder, so cold that Tang Shaoan's scalp was numb, but his throat seemed to be plugged, and he couldn't say anything at all.

He wanted to explain, but he had too many things to hide from Guan Yu, what if Guan Yu was completely disappointed when he said it?

He had never been so flustered, and he was keenly aware that Guan Yu was like fine sand, constantly flowing between his fingers.

Tang Shaoan tightly held Guan Yu's hand: "Let's go up first, I'll explain to you slowly." "Explain

? Why explain?

"Because you must have misunderstood—" "

I misunderstood?"

Tang Shaoan's attitude made Guan Yu feel more and more cold, he forcefully broke Tang Shaoan's fingers, hugged his arms and took several steps back, "You only have to answer one question, you said that Drew Star came to Drew Star for official business, did you do things for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?" Tang

Shaoan came to protect Guan Yu, but the prince is indeed related to the history of assassination... He was speechless for a while, and he was a little hesitant to speak:

"It's related to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but I'm for-"

"Sure enough."

The cold spread all the way down his spine, and Guan Yu's fingertips were so cold that he stiffened and shivered.

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