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Chapter 15: Purple Cards (Bugs)

There was a sudden silence in the conference room.

Selling potatoes? Is this the solution Anderson came up with?

Executives who have tasted potatoes agree that the potatoes taste good, and many even want to buy some and eat them back. Selling potatoes by agents has little to do with their personal likes and dislikes – it ultimately depends on the market's preferences.

People across the planet, including Drew Star, are used to eating nutrient solutions, can they accept potatoes? Can potatoes really steal the market for nutrient solutions? Will Galaxy fight back in a targeted manner? Will the official store, which also represents potatoes and nutrient solutions, suffer retaliation?

Executives looked at each other with questions on their faces. Executives don't veto the general manager's decision, and if Anderson decides he wants to, they can only implement the decision.

Anderson has always been idealistic and too benevolent towards low-level employees, and he immediately rejected a proposal by executives to fire some human employees and switch to robots.

This time he should also be trying to keep the bottom employees. But if the board blames the board for messing up the decision to sell potatoes, who will bear the blame for the failure? Will these executors be punished together?

Although the executives worked under the leadership of General Manager Anderson, their positions were appointed and dismissed by the board of directors, and they did not want to risk losing their jobs, and they understood that it was impossible to change Anderson's mind, so they unanimously chose silence.

Anderson's idea is good, but the odds of success are too small. A small self-employed person is so likely to compete with Galaxy Company!

Zhang Xu, who was sitting at the end of the long table, frowned, and held back several times when he wanted to speak; Zhan Xiong, who was beside him, rubbed the edge of the white porcelain plate with his fingertips, with a thoughtful expression.

Anderson introduced the characteristics of potatoes in detail with interest, and said the sales strategy that he and Guan Yu had discussed, and finally took the teacup on the right hand side and drank, and said: "Everyone discuss the details of the agency contract as soon as possible, and the other party is still waiting outside to sign the contract."

Anderson pointed out the opinion, and the executives had to say it in one word: some people proposed to determine the agency authority of the contract, some pointed out that the agency fee was essential, and some people stressed that the qualifications of the other party must be reviewed and must comply with interstellar politics. The relevant regulations of the government.

It seems that everyone has made an opinion, but what proxy authority is to be determined? How much does it cost to do with the agency? What qualifications do you want the other party to provide? Not a single person has expressed a substantive opinion.

The executives' questions floated around the heads of sixteen before eventually falling back on Anderson.

The conference room fell silent again, some looking up at Anderson in disbelief, while others lowered their heads so that people couldn't see the expressions on their faces.

"Are you all right?" Anderson's face sank, and the corners of his mouth gradually tightened.

Seeing that there was still no response after a while, he raised his right hand to signal the secretary on the side to pause recording the content of the meeting, and said coldly: "This is the end of today's meeting." With that, he got up straight and left the conference room.

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