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Chapter 90: Second Child (End)

Two years after the Guan family army occupied the small galaxy.

In the towering office building in Area A of Hailanxing Potato City, Sister Liu, the farm supervisor, looked at the letters that kept popping up on the floating screen in front of her, held her temple and sighed.

Since the operation of the new farm, dozens of batches of employees have been recruited, but there is still a steady stream of imperial job seekers who want to work in the small galaxy.

Guan Yu said that for the time being, let it go and look at it again, but Sister Liu, who is obsessive-compulsive, could not see the unread email with red dots, so she took the job.

But every time she clicks an email, four or five new emails come into the mailbox, and at her speed, she never wants to read the email.

"Sister Liu, are you busy?" Professor Brian's stocky figure appeared by the door.

Sister Liu gathered her big wavy curly hair and nodded, "Yes, I want to see the cover letter, but there are too many to read it all."

"That's easy," Professor Brian smiled heartily, and walked in, "I'll design a screening process for you, and enter the requirements to automatically find emails that meet the criteria."

A mechanical electronic male voice then sounded in the room: "Why waste time? Sister Liu, as long as you give me a request, I can find out all the job seekers you need.


Brian wrinkled his eyebrows: "No. 01!" It is rude to deliberately interrupt a human conversation! GT-01's

body and data flow also came to the small galaxy, but it fell in love with the data form, and Leng Buding suddenly made a noise somewhere in the office building, and everyone was already surprised.

"Professor, I don't mean to offend, I'm just offering better options." GT-01 said.

Sister Liu muttered, seemingly believing GT-01's statement, Brian was anxious in her heart and said busily: "My program must be smarter than you, don't forget that you created it."

"But I've become stronger through my studies, and although it's a big hat, I'm better than the professor now."

"01 has a point," Sister Liu figured it out and persuaded, "Just let it do it, you rest and don't be busy." "

Rest? He finally found an excuse to talk to Sister Liu, he couldn't just be destroyed by GT-01, and he didn't believe that he would be worse than No. 01, this tone must be contested!

Professor Brian raised his gray eyebrows and huffed and challenged, "Bibi knows who is powerful, right now!" Sister

Liu, who was sitting behind the desk, was squeezed out by Professor Brian and stood awkwardly in the middle of the office. Professor Brian clicked on the floating screens, and a virtual keyboard popped up on the programming interface with white characters on a black background, his fingers flickered, and his old eyes flashed with a bright light of unyielding.

Sister Liu hugged her arms and sighed softly: "It's really unnecessary..."

Brian glared at her: "This is a decisive battle between human wisdom and intelligent intelligence!" You can ask for it, I'm ready. GT-01

: "I can start at any time." Forget

it, persuasion can't be persuaded. Sister Liu gave up mediation and put forward the need to screen job seekers:

"It is required to have no criminal record in the empire and small galaxy, work in the field of education for up to 3 years, and have experience in teaching in person. However, if there are outstanding performances such as winning prestigious awards or publishing leading papers in the field of psychology, working hours are not required..."

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