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Chapter 56: The Tomato Man

Guan Yu's disrespectful attitude annoyed Guan Hongbo, and he blew his beard and glared angrily: "Xiao Yu, why have you suddenly changed!"

Guan Yu chuckled, and said sarcastically: "Uncle, it should be that you have changed and become too enthusiastic, which makes me a little unbearable for a while." After

learning that the original owner owed a huge debt that was harmed by Guan Hongbo and Guan Kairui in collusion with space pirates, Guan Yu's mood of being a snake completely disappeared.

If it weren't for the fact that he wouldn't have knocked out the evidence, he would have knocked Guan Hongbo down with one punch at this moment.

He couldn't wait to completely tear his face with Guan Hongbo, and never interacted with each other again.

"You!" Guan Hongbo's face turned red for a while, and he suddenly thought of the 200,000 star coins that he kindly transferred to Guan Yu last time.

That 200,000 to feed the dog can still listen to a sound, how can Guan Yu have this attitude!

Wouldn't it... What did Guan Yu perceive?

Guan Hongbo looked at Guan Yu's light and breezy appearance, and his head buzzed with anger, but he couldn't ask Guan Yu to spit out the 200,000.

He took several deep breaths, reminded himself that he came to do business today, swallowed the bitter water, and pulled out a smile: "Xiao Yu, it is too chilling for you to say this uncle." I didn't come to see you because of my hard work lately. Now that you have time, the uncle hopes to take care of you, if you have any difficulties, you can also tell the uncle, the uncle tries to help, but the money may not be able to help you. Also

, it was hard to take that money away from the original owner, where was he willing to spit it out again?

Guan Yu expected that Guan Hongbo would be this set of rhetoric, but this time he was even lazy to deal with it, and directly refused: "Don't bother you, we can take care of ourselves." If nothing else, I'll go take care of Sugar Candy first, you go slowly. After that, he turned around and went into the house.

"Don't, don't!" Guan Hongbo didn't expect Guan Yu to not enter this time, he suddenly became anxious, reached out and took his nephew's arm, and asked with a fawning smile, "I still have something I want to ask you."

Guan Yu raised his eyebrows, put on a "you said I listened" expression, and leaned against the door.

A trace of embarrassment flashed on Guan Hongbo's face, and he asked, "The president of Galaxy Company wants to cooperate with you, can you ask your boss what he means?"

"Cooperation? What is a cooperative law? Guan Yu asked with a smile, as if he was quite interested.

Guan Hongbo felt that there was a drama in his heart, and his posture was suddenly lowered, and he said with a smile: "Of course, it is a win-win cooperation, Galaxy Company has taken a fancy to the new genetic modification technology owned by your boss, and hopes to find an opportunity to talk about the purchase of technology, and the conditions offered are very rich."

"40 billion star coins," Guan Hongbo's tongue trembled as he said this number, and he emphasized, "In addition, you will also give your boss 2% of the shares of Galaxy Company, and you can enjoy regular dividends every year." Your boss doesn't have to worry about it in the future, just lie at home and make money.

Guan Hongbo did not lie, these conditions were indeed promised by the president of the galaxy company.

Guan Yu nodded slowly, it seems that Galaxy Company also understands the great commercial value of the new ancient earth crops, so it will buy the genetic modification technology back at all costs.

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