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I sat on the beach, crying. I was so upset at both of them. Why does Mama insist on keeping me from growing up?

Alastor didn't come home till late and I stayed on the beach till sunset. It was pretty, the sky. The tide was just under my feet, tapping them with every stride.

I heard footsteps behind me and wiped my eyes.

"You missed dinner. Mama wants to see you." Alastor spoke.

"I'm not hungry nor am I in the mood to talk." I spoke, crossing my arms like a child. He sighed and sat behind me. I growled and I got up but he grabbed my arm tight.

"Stop this foolishness now, Fel. You know damn well why I couldn't let you work. Now, stop this before you go back to that house. If you only saw the way Mother is."

Alastor was guilt tripping me.

"Fine then, guess I won't go home!" I huffed, being my usual petty self. I swung my arm back and walked towards the cliffs.

"Felicity, don't take another step!" I heard from behind me. I kept walking. I soon started running until I knew Alastor would go inside.

I sat on a rock, the sun a small blob in the sky. I started giggling to myself randomly. After a while, this lovely dog came up to greet me. He was grey and white, with massive tufts of fur. He had a large black nose and his tongue was out.

"Hello, gorgeous! Who are you?" I said, petting him. I heard a voice call from the other side of the cliff.

"MAX!" it rang out several times. The dog ran off and I followed. These were massive rocks with narrow gaps filled with water. The waves clashed with them, water erupting towards me. I was halfway through, and I could see the dog with...


I was suddenly happy and waved at him. He laughed and waved back. He watched me as I made my way over. But I got too excited and missed a rock, rolling my ankle and falling.

My body clashed on the rocks and so did my head......

"She will be fine, Your Majesty. Don't worry. The bump has gone down." A man said. I opened my eyes, blinded by the sun. I could see a very fancy room and I was lying on the bed?

Eventually I could make out Eric. He was wearing a shirt and a blue waistcoat. He looked worried. There was another man with him, dressed far more proper.

"Eric." I said, hoarsely. I stretched my hand out to see if he was real and I wasn't seeing things. I then vaguely seen his cheeks go pink. I giggled.

"Ah, she's awake. See, she's fine."

"What happened? Am I hurt? Does Mama know?" I asked, quick to panic.

"I didn't wish to worry your mother. I know exactly who you are." The other man spoke, he was very condescending. I frowned but my head was to sore.

"Am I okay?" I asked. Eric nodded. I felt safe knowing he was there.

"That will be all, doctor. You can go." He said, the doctor nodded and left. Eric sat on the bed beside me.

"You fell on a rock, trying to get to me. You took a nasty bump to your head and a bruised ankle. You've been here for two days. I wrote to your Mama so need to worry." Eric told me. My god, he was so pretty.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." He shrugged my gratitude away.

"I am terribly sorry, if I wasn't there you would've never of fallen-"

"Eric, do not be stupid, I was just being clumsy and excited, do not feel guilty." I said, sitting up. My head stung but I no longer cared. I looked around the room.

"This is very fancy, like a castle!" I said.

"It is. Felicity, do you not know who I am?" Eric asked. I shook my head no and I could tell he didn't believe me.

"I'm Prince Eric. Although I don't like being called it. I only go by the name when I'm meeting eligible women of which I want nothing to do with."

"Oh? Why don't you want a woman? What do you look for in a foreign princess?"

"Not necessarily a princess, but I want someone who's real, who's experienced real life and has a heart, and a brain, and tears and will express their feelings. I don't really want a girl with the emotional range of a teaspoon and the movement of an old man." He said, looking so lost in thought.

I chuckled loudly at this. Eric then stared at me, his eyes glimmering. Suddenly, the door slammed open.
A woman with a stuck up face barged in.

"Is the girl awake- she is. And she's smiling. I see that you're better now, so Eric? You have guests awaiting. Grimsley, escort this girl, now!" She ordered. Eric sighed and smiled at me, meaning goodbye. I nodded at him and followed the man out.

As we walked, I admired every detail in this vast castle.

"This is so beautiful!" I said, in complete awe.

"Isn't it? Now, who are you?" Grimsley asked me.

"I am Felicity Callora. My mother is Bertha Callora. My brother is Alastor Callora. And my father .... was Albert Callora."

"The Albert? As I live and breath, I knew you looked familiar!" He said.
Father used to work in the palace before he died.

"Yes. I miss him terrible. But I know he lives inside of me. In my heart...I'm sorry." I said, feeling tears erupt in my eyes.

"Oh dear, I didn't mean to upset you. Why don't we change the subject?" Grimsley said, feeling bad.

"No, no. I just haven't spoke of him in a while."

"Ah, well I'm afraid our stop is here, I'm not allowed leave the castle so goodbye Felicity. I hope I see you here again."

Your Future - Prince Eric Where stories live. Discover now