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Lady Cecille did not know what to say to Felicity now that she'd birthed an heir.

She hadn't spoken to her properly in a while, for Eric was keeping her well away from her. So she awoke that morning and immediately made her way over to Baby Evelyn's nursery.

"Hello, my darling girl. You look a lot like your mother... pray to God that changes and you look like your father. Stupid people, not letting me see my grandbaby."

"And what are you doing?" Felicity said, from behind her, making the woman jump out of her skin.

"Oh, you." 

"Yes, me. What are you doing in here?" She asked again.

"I'm seeing my grandchild!" Lady Cecille stated, turning her nose up at Felicity, who scoffed loudly at her.

"Your grandchild?! Ha! As if I'd let my Evelyn anywhere near you! I can see why Eric hides me away from you and I can promise you I'll be doing the same with my daughter!" Felicity spat.

"Why would you hide me from such a beautiful girl?" Lady Cecille said, putting on a voice of fake sympathy for herself.

"Why?! Did you really just ask me why? Ever since I have been here you have done nothing but patronize me! Done nothing but talk foul of me and my family. And no matter how many times Eric has nipped you in the bud, you still spread your untrue poison around!"

Lady Cecille was at a loss for words.

"You're no better either, Miss! I had everything lined up for my boy, marriage, kids, good fortunes and you tore it away! Not even that, you have ruined my reputation! I have been cast away for fraud and deception!" She complained.

"I didn't rip those away from Eric, he chose me. He didn't want your fancy princesses, he told you what he wanted and what made him happy yet you ignored him. And I don't think you have been cast away, because I've seen what you get up to. With that man? Mystery man? Kind face, very rich looking?"

The woman was shocked again and again.

"Lord O'Malley." She whispered under her breath loud enough for Felicity to hear. This put a coy smile on her face.

"Haha! I finally get a name after nine months of courting! Wonderful name, very rich and prosperous, quite the type for you...-"

"Now you listen here! I don't know where you got this attitude from but I will not take it. You are a villain, Felicity Callora and I cannot believe I let my Eric marry you. My worst mistake. I could've been rich, famous, worshipped amongst my friends..."

"So you're using your son to be worshipped by a bunch of rich women? Sounds pathetic if I do say so myself. And I don't know when you're going to understand this but Eric chose me. He chose to marry me, I didn't serenade him or seduce him, he just chose me. Now, if you please, my daughter needs her breakfast." Felicity said, smiling at her. Lady Cecille was shocked and gasped loudly when Felicity knocked shoulders with her, carrying her little girl.

Eric could sense something wasn't right with Felicity, as she had a look of anger and victory on her face as she cradled her sleeping baby.

"Is everything alright, my love?" He asked, taking her free hand. She smiled at him, but her eyes were still blazing with anger.

"Yes. I just had a .... moment of anger with your mother."

Eric couldn't believe his ears. He looked at her, and she looked at him, dead serious.

"She was inside, talking to Evelyn, and I said some things and so did she. All is well, do not worry." She said, squeezing his hand before leaving the table, Evelyn in arms. Eric was panicking, wondering what was said.

"Are you sure you're fine? Like did she say anything bad?" Eric asked, following her into a drawing room.

"Nothing we haven't heard before. Eric, calm down. It's okay. I have good news, actually."

Eric's expression changed at her words.

"I got the Mystery Man's name! It's Lord O'Malley!" 

Eric had heard that name before. He got lost in thought trying to remember it.

"Eric? Are you there? Do tell me what you're thinking!" Felicity said, kneeling beside him. Evelyn reached her tiny hands out to him, wanting to be in her father's arms for a while.

"I remember that name." Eric said.

"Well, knowing that woman you're related to her!" Felicity laughed. Eric smiled at her.

Evelyn let out a wail, making both adults' maternal instincts jump. The baby girl was reaching and squirming for her father.

"Oh, sweet girl, go give your father a cuddle!" Felicity said, handing her over to Eric. He seemed to melt at the sight of her, same way he does with Felicity. Seeing Eric hold their baby and instantly relax her made gigantic tears form in her eyes.

"What's wrong?!" Eric asked, seeing his wife's upset.

"Nothing, I just love you. I love the family we've made. I love it ever so much." Felicity said, letting those gigantic tears fall. Eric caught them with his free hand, kissing his wife. Evelyn giggled happily and Felicity sat up beside them on the couch.

They were as happy as one family could be.

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