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Felicity was learning more and more about her royal duties but she yearned for her family. She hadn't seen either of them since the wedding. And it wasn't nice. She decided, after her studies, that she would visit them.

"Is it possible for me to leave the castle?" she asked Eric, who was scribbling away across from her. He looked up at her, confused.

"Of course, where did you want to go?" He asked, leaving his pencil and paper down.

"I want to see my mother. Something is telling me that I need to see her." Felicity explained.

"Well then, get your shoes and shawl on and we will go." Eric said, standing up and opening the door for her. She giggled and ran to get her shoes.

When she was ready, Eric was waiting at the stairs. He took her hand and they went down together. Lady Cecille was there to greet them when they got down.

"Eric! Felicity! How wonderful to see you!" She cheered, her voice almost shrill.

"Good morning, Mother." Eric said, some type of dread evident in his voice.

"And how are you, Felicity? How's marriage treating you?" Lady Cecille was coughing her words out now.

"It's good. I've been very busy." Felicity responded modestly.

"I know." Lady Cecille sneered under her breath. Both adults heard it and shared a look. Felicity was confused and Eric was annoyed.

"Right then, Mother we best be off." Eric said, smiling at her out of spite.

"Go? Where are you going?"

"We're going to visit Felicity's mother." Eric explained. Lady Cecille shook her head.

"You cannot leave!" She cried. Both of them were confused.

"And why can't we?" Eric asked.

"Because.... you don't need to see her, you have your Mother here! I'm here, Eric." She said, grabbing a hold of his arm.

"Yes, I know you're here, but Felicity hasn't seen hers since the wedding and even that wasn't enough."

"Wasn't enough? You'd hardly want her to move in? Bad enough you-"

Eric stopped her there, because he didn't want his wife upset. He took Felicity's hand and led her outside the castle. She hadn't been out for three weeks and it felt like a breath of fresh air.

They made it to her cottage, recieving many bows and curtseys from the public. Felicity felt so seen, it made her miss her old life.

They knocked on the door and Alastor answered. Felicity, overwhelmed by seeing his face again, flung her small arms around him. He chuckled and nodded at Eric.

"Where's Mama?" She asked. The smile on Alastor's face faded quickly.

"She's outside." He said.

"Why the sudden change? Is she alright?"

"See for yourself." He said, moving to let her through. Her mother looked normal, as she fed the chickens.

"Mama? It's me, I'm home!" But when she turned to face her daughter, her face was pale, her eyes her dark and red, and she looked as if she'd aged 10 years. Felicity felt the harsh lump form in her throat.

"What happened to her, Alastor? She's like a ghost!"

Alastor sighed and explained that ever since she left her mother has been doing nothing but crying and chatting to herself. Basically driving herself insane.

Your Future - Prince Eric जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें