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the plans for a wedding, correction, a royal wedding, were well on their way.

Felicity made sure her mother was in the plans too. Lady Cecille wanted to completely overtake the planning.

"It's a wedding, at my house! I should have a say!"

"I know, but it's also her wedding, and she wants her mother involved."

"But, her mother wouldn't know a thing! What on earth-"

"Mother, don't go making fun of her or her family. Please stop this. Now she's helping with the planning because it's her daughters wedding." Eric ordered. Lady Cecille wanted to screech at him.

"I understand that, Eric. I do, but she's never hosted a wedding."

"And you have? I get it you've been married before, and surely that would make you understand this partnership?"

"Partnership?! I gave you multiple partnerships and you go off and find a country girl who hasn't grown up yet!" Cecille shouted. Eric looked at her, his eyes blazed in anger. He never usually got angry.

"Mother, I will not tell you again! If you have such a problem with MY wedding then don't bother coming. I know that me and Felicity don't need this. Now, stop being stupid." He said, before walking away. His wedding was in two days and she was making his life a misery.

Eric never understood his mother. Or should I say, 'step-mother'. His real mother, as beautiful as she was kind, died when he was young. Then Lady Cecille came along and ruined his life really.

He'd always tried to be patient and resilient with her, but he was starting to see her true colours.

"Oh my, I haven't been in this castle for years!" Felicity's mother said, clutching her chest. Felicity giggled as she admired the various paintings.

"Wow, you've done well, my sister. I'm impressed." Alastor said.

"Oh please, you wanted to kill him the second you found out!" Felicity joked, her laughter filling the hallways.

"Kill who?" Eric said, standing a few feet away from them. Felicity gasped and ran to him. He caught her in his arms.

"Hello." they both said. Felicity noticed the little fire still blazing in his eyes.

"Is everything okay?"

"It's fine. I'll tell you later. Now, let me give you a tour!" He said, swinging her around and landing her on her feet.

The more they delved into the house, the more beautiful it got.

"You could fit the whole village in this house! What ever do you need all these rooms for?" Felicity asked. Eric laughed with her.

Mrs Callora was in absolute awe and shock. As crazy as she was, she was proud of her emotional daughter for scoring this high. It's not what she sought out, but Felicity had never looked so happy.

"What do you think, Mama?" Felicity asked. Tears flooded her mother's eyes.

"It's beautiful. I am so proud of you, Felicity." She said, she saw tears in her own daughters eyes.

Farewells were bid to Alastor and his mother as they left. Until the wedding, Felicity was to stay in the castle.

They were sitting in a drawing room, Eric staring longingly out of the window. Felicity was looking at him, concerned. He had this look of deep thought and anger.

"Eric? What's the matter? You've had this blazen look in your eye since I've been here." She said. Eric looked at her, still deep in thought. It's like he was about to confess a crime to her.
Felicity walked over to the window, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"It's not you, my love. It's my mother- Lady Cecille. We had an argument about the wedding plans and she said some awful things about you and your family."

Felicity sighed, Eric continued.

"I, in your favor, told her to be quiet and let things fall out, but she's too persistent..." He trailed off, Felicity could see tears in his eyes.

"Oh, Eric, don't cry. It will be fine. I don't care who plans my wedding, our wedding, just as long as I'm marrying you. Come here." She said, kissing him and wrapping her arms around him. They were so perfect.

The wedding was in two days. Two days she'd have to stay here and pretend to like his mother, even though she's a spiteful wrench.

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