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The next day, Felicity woke up beside a sleepy Eric. Even in his sleep he was beautiful. She stared at him for a while, before he opened his eyes and smiled. She smiled back and kissed her.

"Good morning, my love." He said. She hummed and nuzzled beside him. Felicity got cold during the night and placed her garments and Eric's shirt over her small body.

"You're wearing my shirt?" He asked. Felicity nodded and laughed. Eric laughed too.

"I'm hungry. Do you reckon the guests are still here? We kind of forgot about them..."

"And for good reason, my god. You were so good, Felicity." He said, rubbing his eyes awake. Felicity smiled warmly. She was starving now.

"How does breakfast work around here? Do you ring a bell?" She asked, making Eric cackle loudly.

"No, we get dressed and go downstairs, like normal people." He said, smiling at her unknowingness. Felicity felt stupid now but Eric assured her it was okay and that she'd get used to her new lifestyle.

"It's much different than the cottage." She muttered.

"Oh trust me, I would've loved to live in a house like yours growing up." Eric said, dressing himself from the other side of the room. Felicity was sitting at the edge of the bed, turned away from Eric to give him privacy.

She hummed in response and went picking at her fingernails. She was suddenly nervous, as if the world had just slapped her in her face with reality. Eric was clearly talking to her but she was too zoned out.

"Felicity? Are you there?" He said, kneeling down in front of her, a look of concern on his face.

"Fine, just tired." She said, standing up to get dressed. She had no other clothes than her wedding gown. She looked at Eric and realised he was in his suit, but he wasn't wearing the waistcoat or the jacket. Just the undershirt and trousers. Felicity then realised that she was wearing his shirt. She quickly took it off and handed it to him.

She could feel his loving eyes staring at her in her garments. She got nervous again and pulled the dress over her. Felicity went to tie the back but Eric did it for her, slowly and carefully. For some reason, that same knot from last night was bubbling in her stomach. Eric had finished her dress and he took her hand, leading her out of the room.

The Kings and Queens were still here, looking at her in her gown still, and smiling proudly.

"Good morning, ladies. Sorry I didn't come down sooner." Felicity immediately apologized, sitting beside Jasmine.

"No, no. it's fine. We know the reason why." A fear instilled itself in Felicity.

"Did you hear?" She asked . The women let out several giggles.

"No, dear. We know because it's wedding tradition. And based on how you're glowing, it was a very good night." Ella said, taking her hand and rubbing it gently. Felicity smiled and actually felt ethereal. These women were so helpful and supportive.

She ate breakfast and got dressed properly, in a nice lemon yellow dress, and joined the Ladies trying to get a good idea of how she should act. 

Belle was telling her the many ways to eat from a spoon and which ones to choose. It was frying her head, because a spoon is a spoon! But she stayed positive. Belle had also brought many other books to help her.

"Thank you, Belle. You're very kind." She said. Belle smiled and handed the books to a nearby maid.

All the women helped in their own ways. Felicity was tired after all this teaching and being taught, so she asked a maid to bring out some chairs and some lemonade for the Ladies and herself.

They all sat down and relaxed. Ella didn't drink her lemonade, she wouldn't say why.

"Do you want anything else, Ella?" Felicity asked, standing up to get something for her.

"No, no. The lemonade is just making me nauseous, thank you."

Belle and Jasmine shared a look and looked back at Ella. Felicity didn't understand.

"By any chance, forgive me if this is wrong, but will we have another little Ella or Kit with us? Because you didn't drink last night either." Jasmine asked. Ella smiled and they all cheered.

Speaking of children, Belle's children were to the wedding, but didn't get to see many festivities as they fell asleep after supper. Dodie and Frederick ran over to Belle screaming "Mummy! Mummy!"

Felicity's heart was so full watching her with her kids. Dodie reached her little hands out to her and Belle handed her to Felicity. After a while of bouncing the girl on her knee, the child took off running. Felicity took after her.

The child got panned out and began walking but slipped on a step, grazing her knee. Wailing loudly, Felicity picked her up and cradled her.

"Oh you poor thing! Don't worry, Auntie Felicity will have you good again." She kissed the girls knee and she giggled through her tears. Felicity stood still and rocked her silently.

Eric looked over at wherever King Florian was pointing. It was his daughter, in Felicity's arms.

"Clumsy Dodie, she's always falling. My god, Felicity is good with kids. Dodie never settles that fast.." He trailed off. Eric was so full with pride seeing his wife cradling a baby. He walked over to her, excusing herself from the men.

"What have you found?" He asked. She smiled and hugged him from the side.

"This is baby Dodie, and Dodie, this is Eric!" She cheered.

"Ric!" Dodie said, taking the two by surprise. They didn't know if it was her first word but it was still magical. Eric cheered and tickled her jaw, making her curl up and giggle.

"And this is Felicity!" He then said.

"Icity!" Dodie repeated, making both of their hearts swell. Felicity was overjoyed and overwhelmed by this interaction. Seeing the way Eric's eyes softened at the child, the same they do when he looks at her, made her fall in love with him all over again.

They both decided to give Dodie back to her mother, who Frederick was hanging out of, pretending to be a tiger.

"Is she alright?" Belle asked, a little bit alarmed.

"Yes. She even said a few words!" Felicity said, ticking Dodie's stomach.

"What ones?" Jasmine asked.

Felicity whispered to Dodie, pointing at Eric.

"Ric!' She called again. Then, Felicity pointed at herself, asking who she was.

"Icity!" Dodie called, receiving many applauses and Aws. Belle was crying, giving her gorgeous girl a hug.

"Those were her first words." She explained. Eric and Felicity were taken aback. Smiling at each other, they felt so happy. Belle got up to tell her husband the wonderful news.

Eric hugged Felicity from the side and she rested her head on his arm.

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