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Felicity awoke early one morning, while her husband slept peacefully beside her. She observed his face and his body and wondered how she could be so lucky.

Within the space of a year and a half, she was married and had a beautiful baby girl. How did she manage that?  Was all she could ask herself.

It was like living in a fairy tale. The ones she read about, hoping, praying, wishing on every star that it would happen to her. And it did. She'd found her Prince, literally. And she loved him dearly.

Her daughter was the other love of her life. She was six months old now, growing faster than ever and babbling away like a chatterbox. Eric and Felicity were both competing to get her to say her first word. She wouldn't dare give them what they wanted, a stubborn girl!

She gets it from her mother, she got everything from her. From the roots of her hair to the sallow pigment in her skin. She has Eric's beautiful blue eyes though. The ones that outshine the morning sun. They are the ones that make Felicity feel like she's swimming smoothly every time she looks in them.

When Evelyn was a year old, and the adults were married a year, they were crowned King and Queen. Evelyn was now Princess Evelyn. Everything had gone to plan.

What about Lady Cecille? And Felicity's family? you might ask. Well, Lady Cecille sorted out her business and apologized incredibly to Felicity. Her family is continuing as normal, only in a better home. The cottage got too old and one stormy night, the roof fell in. So Eric and Felicity moved them into a nice little house in the town. Now she was even closer to her little girl and her granddaughter.

All was well in life, Felicity realised and with that she slung back into bed, enclosing herself in Eric's open arms. He sleepily brushed a hand through her hair as Felicity fell straight back asleep.

And like all fairy tales, they lived happily ever after,

                                   The end


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