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as I walked out of the palace, there was a breathtakingly beautiful girl walking by me with footmen surrounding her. I smiled at her in awe, but she just gave me a look of disgust back.

Wow, I see what Eric means. That's a woman who is beautiful outside, but strangled with jealousy and hatred within. I don't see this one staying for long.

I made it back home, safe and sound.

"Felicity! My girl! There you are!" Mama said, wrapping her arms around me.

"You're not angry. Why are you not angry?"

"I have no reason to be. You were under the Prince's care. You were dangerous and careless, but he saved you. Now sit down. I'll make you some food!"

"Where's Alastor?"

"He's out."

"Out where? I want to see him."

"He's in the pub. He has been since we got the letter from the Prince." Mama said, sounding defeated.

"Call him Eric, Mama, just Eric. He's got a name, not just a title."

"Fine. He's been out since we got Eric's letter. But he might come home now that you're here."

"I highly doubt that." I said, scoffing at myself.

"Don't doubt, Fel. That man has been worried sick since we got word. Why else do you think he'd be at the pub?!"


Eric walked into the pub. After his boring encounter with another foreign princess, he needed a drink. He saw his good friend, Alastor, sitting on his own.

"Alastor, my friend. What's the matter?" He said.

"Where's my sister?" Alastor asked, his lips were pursed in either worry or anger.

"She's at home, I sent her there. She is well."

"Why did you bring her to the palace? Why didn't you bring her home?!" Alastor was clearly angry.

"Because, I knew I'd only trouble your mother bringing her home. And besides, she's home now. Go home and see her. I'll walk with you."

"You'll do no such thing. I can't believe you, Eric. Years of friendship and you can't even bring my own sister back!" Alastor stormed out of the pub. Eric followed him.

"Alastor, stop being so rude. I made sure your sister was safe and healthy, which she is. I knew my doctor could give her the treatment she needed. Now, please. Don't let this ruin our friendship. I value you too much for that. Understood?"

Alastor snarled but nodded and the two of them walked to his house.


I had finished my food and was about to go to bed, when Alastor came home.

"Brother!" I said, flinging my arms around him. I hadn't noticed Eric there until I let go of my brother. I smiled at him.

"I'm glad you're home." My brother said. Mama gasped at the sight of Eric.

"Please, Your Majes- Eric, do sit down. I have some fresh food just made!"

"Thank you, Miss Callora, but I must be going."

Eric managed to get out of the house and I went to bed. Soon enough, I heard a tap on my window. Then another. And another. I peeled my curtain back to see Eric.

I snuck outside, freezing in the night wind.

"What is it?" I said, feeling goosebumps on my arms.

"I just wanted to say goodbye. And wish you goodnight." Eric said. I looked into his eyes, he was looking at my lips. We both were looking at one another and my heart was racing.

Eric grabbed the side of my face and kissed me. My first kiss. With a prince!!

I pulled back.

"What was that?"

"My goodnight. I will miss you, Felicity." Something in the way he said my name made me want to kiss him more....

.... so I did.

I crashed my lips into his and tugged on his shirt. He pulled back, bopped my nose and walked away. I stood there, no longer cold. His love warmed me in ways I couldn't convey.

Your Future - Prince Eric Where stories live. Discover now