Minho gets suspicious

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* This is my first story so sorry if its not the best *

(Thomas's point of view )

We have been in this paridise for a year now and no one knows what happened to Newt except me and Lawrence and the rest of the people in the van who survived . I will never forget that night, not as long as I am alive .
I sit on the cliff overlooking the beach and watch the sun coming up while the others are all fast asleep in their own small man made cabins . This is where I always sit when I need to think or be alone from all my friends especially Minho , Its hard to be around Minho because Newt was his best friend and after what I have done he can't know . If Minho finds out he will never forgive me EVER!!!!!
"Hey" came a kind , calm , sweet voice . "Hey Brenda" I said to her "Thomas why do always look like you've been slapped . Smile!!!!! We're in the best place in the world with the best people the least you can do is smile for us . You could at least pretend to be happy."
She took a seat next to me on the cliff and watched the sun rise slowly. She's right I always look miserable but can you blame me I have not only witnessed but have also caused death but yes I can fake a smile and pretend I'm okay because no one knows what happened , what I have done to my best friend . We sat together until we saw everyone gathering fresh fruits for breakfast that's when we decided it was time for us to get to work too.

We got down and started gathering fresh fruit for our breakfast Frypan seems glad to be able to share the cooking with group Bs cook Jordan I think he likes her more than he ever liked any of the gladers including the ones that are no longer with us . I can see why she is beautiful long dark hair , perfect olive skin and beautiful green eyes as Minho would discribe her . To be honest I think Minho likes her more than anyone .

"Hey shanks!!!" Said Minho running over and putting his hands around our necks ,Brenda and I said hi . "Hey Thomas you better smile before Brenda catches you , you know she will have something to say " he said with a huge grin on his face " Its okay Minho I've already told him as usual " . Minho stared at me and I kept my usual frown that I have wore for the past year but somehow Minho thought it was different "Whats wrong Tommy". With that my lip started to wobble and my heart started pounding and I couldn't take it I had to get away . I ran all the way to the far east of the large island to the where we had made a memorial for all of the dead ,here were names for Alby,Chuck,Zart,Teresa and so many others .And I choose to just sat in front of an empty space of dirt because i can't help but think this is where Newt should be and it should say

Newt (Issac Newton)
Great Leader
Great Friend
And the Glue that holds us all together
He will always be remembered by all .

I sat there writing these words in the mud with tears in my eyes, Newt is the only one who could call me Tommy and it broke my heart to hear Minho using his words to remember him .
"Newt I am so sorry " I whispered with all my emotions rushing to the surface to get out " I never wanted to do it but you pleaded me to pull the trigger I am so sorry. Please I would have done anything to save you I promise I would have bu-"
I turned round to find Minho walking towards me holding a large mango " I thought you could use something to eat . Maybe it will pull that shuck frown off your ugly shuck face and replace it with a smile" he handed me the fruit and sat down next to me and read the words engraved in the dirt with a hurt look on his face . I took a bite of the mango to avoid any questions but I knew it wasn't going to work , I knew questions will be shooting out of his mouth any minute now. But he just stares tears growing in his eyes . As I watched I couldn't control myself , my eyes let tears fall like birds being shot out of the sky. I wiped them away with the sleave of my freshly washed shirt hoping Minho didn't notice the bombardment of tears .
Then the questions came one at a time . "What's this Tomm-" he was cut off by my lack of air , I was struggling to breath . "Thomas! Thomas! Thomas! you have to breath! Come on breath!!!"
When I was finally able to catch my breath Minho stared at me in shock . His eyes were no longer filled with tears but with horror.

"Do you mind telling me what the hell is going on shuck face ?!!!"

* I hope my story is going okay *

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