Did i just hear that ?

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(Minho's point of view)

"WELL THOMAS?!!! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT !!!!" This can't be right , did I just hear my best friend say that he killed Newt ? And to a rock !!!
Thomas looked petrified I have never seen him cry so much and I have never felt this angry in my entire life even though I don't remember most of it .
"Minho I-I-I'm so sorry I really am I-"
"You think being sorry is gonna bring Newt back do ya!!! Well it aint!!!He is never coming back and it all you're fault Thomas !!!"
I stormed off because I didn't know what I was going to do next , I have never been that angry before .
"Minho please wait " Thomas ran after me but he didn't reach me until we were out in the open on the sandy white beach then he grabbed my shoulder . He just made the biggest mistake of his life.
I turned round and pulled back my clenched fist and swung it at his face , I connected with his jaw but that wasn't enough he needed more after what he had done . I did the same again holding his head still with my right hand and swinging with my left , this time I connected with his nose and I'm sure it was now broken. Bright red blood covered my fist and Thomas's shirt but that wasn't going to stop me so I kicked at his legs until they gave way and tumbled to the floor with a thud .
"Is that the sound he made when he hit the floor !!!! " I screamed at him from above . I jumped onto him the way I did the Jorge back in the Scorch the fist time I met him and punched with both hands . Thomas was now screaming in pain , I am one of the strongest guys in this place so no wonder he is in pain.
"This is for him!!!!! . All this time I thought he had a chance of living with the flare because he is strong !!!!"
The next thing I know I am being dragged of Thomas by Frypan and three others that I couldn't see through the blinding light . Aris and a boy from the Glade called Adam were helping Thomas up from the ground trying not to injure him anymore than he already was , but if it happens it I wouldn't mind one bit .

Several hours later

I have been locked up in a place like the slammer in the Glade for several hours now and Frypan came to visit .
"Hey dude what was that all about ?"
"Fry you don't want to know" I said through the bambo bars
"Yeah I do . Minho you beat the life out of him I think that deserves an explanation don't you ? " I just ignored him until he shuck his head and when away.
Another hour past and I got another visit from Aris giving me a message from Thomas saying we need to talkwhatever that means, but I decided to go because i was getting a bit bored .

When I got to the chill out hut ,which is what we call the biggest hut I found Thomas sat on a small wooden chair in the middle of the room . His face which I always thought was ugly was even more so because it was covered in cuts all sizes and bruises .
"Are you sure you don't need Aris and Frypan to keep me from killing you like you did to Newt !!!" I said stepping closer to Thomas with every word I said .
" I don't want them to hear what were talking about ."
"No!! You just don't want anyone to know what you did !!!!"
Anger was bubbling up inside of me with each second that passsed but I manages to keep my voice calm .
"Were you ever going to tell me or were you going to let me believe he got killed by a Crank "

(Thomas's point of view)

I didn't know what to say because I don't know if I was ever going to tell him so I told the truth . "I don't know" Minho started to laugh in the way you do when you annoyed.
"Minho you have to know its hard for me too remember !!!" I said raising my voice
"Everyday for the past year I have jumped out of my skin when I heard any sort of bang and every time I close my eyes I see him and hear him fall to the ground . Do you know how hard it has been to be around you this year knowing if you found out you will want to rip me apart ?"
"Well this year you have spent more time in the memorial then with anyone else . You do realise Brenda is trying to be with you but you would rather hang out with rocks"
"I go there because that is the only place I can hear him laugh . And that has been my favourite sound all year , Newts laugh just reminds me how he was before the flair , when we were all happy." I had to stop because myself and Minho was getting chocked up at the thought of him laughing.
We talked for several more minutes until Minho said 'I will never forgive you , you know that right ' but I already knew .

After Minho left I layed down on the hammock in the corner and dreamed

( I hope this is okay )

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