The Surprise (last Chapter)

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(Thomas's point of view)

I have been married to Brenda for several months now and I have to say it has been the best months of my life, even if I can't remember my life before the Maze I'm sure I have never experienced anything as amazing as my life now. I have enjoyed every moment of the pregnancy so far and I doubt it is going to get worse,only better. I don't think Brenda is enjoying the pregnancy as much as me, seeing as a small human is growing in side her causing her agonising pain and the urge to throw up all the time.
I have been hoping for a baby boy but Brenda has her heart set on a baby girl, but we have both agreed that we would love our child no matter if it is a boy or a girl.
I haven't seen Newt since then wedding even if i only saw a glimpse of him standing by the fire giving me a smile that could only mean goodbye while I was dancing with new wife.

"Aaaggggggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" A piercing scream came from the hut, so loud it made everyone wince.
I have been sat outside on one of the benches outside the hut for hours waiting for the piercing screams to stop seeing as I can't do anything to stop it.

"Hey shuck face"
"Hey Minho"
"You look terrible dude."
"Can you blame me." I say as I motion to the hut.
"Nah. So have-" Minho was cut off by another scream followed by a cry.

"Aaaaaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Make it stop!! Make it stop pleeease!!"

"Hey Thomas don't that remind you off something?"
"The changing?"
"Yep. How things have changed since then.
"So like I was saying before have you got any ideas for baby names?"
"Yeah we have a few ideas..."
"Well go on then."
"No way its a surprise!"
"Good one. Come in what names?"
" I told you its a surprise! "
"No! No! Come on dude tell me!"

Mariana and Emily came running out towards Minho and I looking panicked.
"Thomas! Thomas! It's almost time come on!" They said in sync.

I may of mentioned it's been several months since the wedding, to be precise it has been nine months and my child is to be born any minute now.
Brenda didn't want me in there until it was time because I freaked out big time when she first went into labour and I sort of freaked her out so I was told to wait outside until she was ready. And now she is.
I run in with Mariana and Emily and see Brenda covered head to toe with sweat screaming at the top of her lungs turning her face a deep shade of red almost purple, tears stained on her heated face.

"Thomas!!!!!! Aaaaggggghhhhh!!!!!"
"It's okay Brenda I'm here!" I run over to Brenda's side and take her hand in mine so she can squeeze it if she needs to. I regret allowing Brenda to squeeze my hand because when she does I swear she is crushing my bones but if I get to see my baby after, its worth it. Anything is worth it if I get to see my baby.


"Come on Brenda you can do it! One more push!"
"Aaaaaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhh! Aaaaagghh!"
"You did it! Your a mom-"
"Hold on! Keep going! Come on Brenda come on!!!"
"Aaaaaaaagggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!! Why won't it stop!!! Aaaaggggghhhhh!!"
"Well it looks like-"

........................................ A few minutes later ......................

"Congratulations!" Emily says as she hands me my baby.
"She's beautiful, our daughter is beautiful just like her mom" I feel tears fall from my cheeks.
"So is our son." Brenda says out of breath.
"What!?" I look up to see Brenda holding a small baby and look down to the baby I'm holding.
"We have a son?" I am now full on crying.
"We have a daughter?" Now Brenda is crying.

I sit down next to my wife so we can admire both our children.
"Our son is so handsome, just like her father." Brenda whispers in my ear along with the names we discussed which are now confirmed. I kiss her on the forehead and kiss both our children before I take them both to meet Minho, leaving Brenda to rest.


I sit on the beach watching the sunset with the babies waiting for Minho. My son and daughter are both beautiful, tiny noses, tiny hands and feet, beautiful brown eyes and dark hair.

"Hey dude how's Brenda? Whoa! Dude!" I think he's a bit surprised to see me holding two babies.
"Thomas there's TWO!?"
"Yeah I'm aware of that dude"
"How? What? Did you know!?"
"No I don't think anyone did"
"Wow! So girls or boys or both?"
"Both, a beautiful baby girl and a beautiful baby boy"

Minho sits next to me to get a closer look at the twins, teary eyed.

"He looks just like you and she looks just like Brenda. Congratulations man, I'm proud of you, Newt would be proud of you."
"You think so?"
"Yeah course he would." The babies let out a cry.
"Could you take Issac and rock him?" Minho freezes and I see a sparkle in his eyes.
"Issac? As in...?"
"Yeah... Issac Newton"
"Who Newt was named after?" He takes Issac from my right arm and looks down at him and says Issac to himself.
"So what's there full names?"
"There not very good but we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them. Issac Charles Albert and Agnes Jorge."
"There perfect, they would be proud. What about Agnes's middle name?"
"I wanted it to be Brenda but she said she would rather have her with no middle name if our only choice was Brenda... Wait, what about Agnes Minho Jorge?"
"Dude you suck at names."
"Okay what about... Agnes M Jorge?"
"That's better but no, I can't-"
"Minho you are my best friend and you deserve to be a part of the twins name."

Issac Charles Albert is named Newt, Chuck and Alby. Agnes M Jorge is named after Teresa, Minho and Jorge. I wanted to name our children after the people closest to us and Brenda said she was only ever really close with Jorge so she allowed me to name them.
I look down to Agnes and spoke the way you do to a small puppy.

"Do you wanna be named after your uncle Minho huh?... Yeah? I thought so."
"Uncle?" I look up to see Minho staring in disbelief. His eyes are now filled with tears and I can tell he's trying to fight them off but now I have confirmed he is the twins uncle they come like a flood.

"I'm not even family."
"Minho, you have always been my family shuck-face. You my brother, us Gladers are all brothers and sister." Minho's face is now covered in tears.
"Man look what you did to me, you made me cry like Issac" he said with a laugh.
"Well your the only one crying, he's asleep."
"So is Agnes. Man I have a reputation to uphold, look at me."
"Alright you go and sort yourself out 'Uncle Minho' we'll see you later."
"See ya later Issac." Minho places a kiss on Isaacs head before he passes the baby back to me.
"See ya later princess Agnes." He places a kiss on Agnes's head.
"And see ya later 'Daddy'. How has an ugly shank like you got two beautiful kids huh?"
"Yeah. Who would of thought to babies could turn me into a baby?." Minho turned away laughing while wiping tears from his eyes and muttering to himself.

"Well I guess its just you two and daddy now huh?. You two lucky kids are named after the best people in the planet you know? and seeing as we have all the time in the world I will tell you the story about each of them... Let's start with your uncle Newt followed by your uncle Chuck, uncle Alby and aunt Teresa. I wish they were all here to see you guys today, they had great stories. The kind of stories that get passed down generations..."

* Thomas sat on the beach telling Issac and Agnes about the time first time he met their uncles and aunt while the sun was going down. No one bothered him while he was on the beach they all stood a distance away watching a father tell his children about the people who mean most to him.
Brenda has had a little rest but she saw a croud watching something on the beach so she stepped out of the hut and saw her husband looking down at their children while telling them stories. It made her feel warm and safe inside and she whispers to herself " Newt I have heard the story about you so many times and now you Chuck, Alby and Teresa have become legends to our children. Thank you all for what you did for Thomas you all made this possible. Thank you all." Before she went to lie down again.*

"And that's the story to the greatest people on the planet. Welcome to the world kids. I love you Issac and Agnes with all my heart, as I did with the greatest people on the planet..."

..................................................The End...................................................

I hoped you liked my story

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