Impossible !!!

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(Minho's point of view)

Everyone gathered in the chill out hut to avoid the rain which seemed to go on forever . Lightning was the only light we got untill the clouds cleared because there was no way the sun can shine through these clouds .
Every immune person was in this hut but I could still feel Thomas staring at me, what is his problem? Why is he saying he can see Newt ? And why is he staring at me ?!!!.
"Minho?" I instantly thought it was Thomas and raised my fist to punch him, but I was wrong . It was Gally.
Everyone who was in Maze A thought Gally was dead on several occasions, but he survived the Griever and survived Thomas and but was left with scars like slugs and a odd looking nose but it was still him and he helped blow up Wicked so he's on our side.
"Whoa!! Dude its me !!!" He said with a confused look.
"Sorry I thought you were someone else" I said looking in the direction Thomas was sat in .
"What is going on with you too latley? You both seem-" He was cut of by Thomas .
"Minho I need to talk to you"
"Well I have nothing to say and as you can see I'm talking to Gally here " He just looked at me to say 'it is important' so I told Gally I would talk to him after.
Thomas started to speak but I was to busy trying to figure out who was limping into the memorial in the rain. When they were out of sight I ran after them leaving Thomas alone .
"Minho !!!"
"I saw someone limping into the memorial, I need to tell them to come to the hut-"
"Did you say limping into the memorial?" He said as he joined me in the rain . I suddenly understood what he was trying to say and we both started sprinting to the memorial. Its not possible I saw Newt is it?
"Thomas ... It ... Can't ... Be ... Him ... Can it?" I tried to say through breaths as we ran, but he ignored me and a smile spread across his face .
We got there in no time and we both stopped dead in our tracks when we saw a tall, skinny,blond boy who had obviously had a limp, facing a boulder which I remember has

Alby (Albert Einstein)
Great Leader
Great Friend
Will be remembered by all .

Written on it .
"I love how you guys have made these for us all" said a strong British accent . My mouth fell open when he spoke .
"Impossible" I whispered.
"What was that?" He said turning around . His eyes lit up with excitement and a perfect smile was plastered over his face .
"Minho, I am bloody glad to see you again, well I say say again I mean in person this time." My mouth was still wide open but I couldn't close it . I closed my eyes shut and opened them again but Newt was still in front of me .
"Is this shank for real ? " I said finally able to close my mouth and smile. Newt smiled too and that made everything feel okay again.
"I'm so glad to see your still using that Glader slang" I couldn't help but laugh in amazement. Thomas just stood next to me smiling like I don't know what, but I can't imagine I look any different. Then I suddenly felt guilty for not believing Thomas but I couldn't apologised now, I am with Newt .
Thomas was allowing me to talk to Newt but I allowed him to stay because Newt is here and we need to spend as much time with him as possible because we might never see him again .
"How are you here ?" I said still amazed
"I'm not sure but I do know I can't go until everything is right again ." He said looking at me and Thomas as if it was a hint .Then Thomas spoke .
" Can you explain what that means exactly?"
"Oh yeah sure. I have in finished business-"
"Hey Thomas, Minho !!!" We both shot our heads round to see who was shouting us from behind. Thomas and I both was wearing a look of horror because whoever it was saw Newt .
"Gally ?!!!" Shouted Thomas and we both looked back at where Newt was standing, he was gone.

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