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(Brenda's point of view)

I have been at the beach since the argument and I have so many mixed feelings like guilt, sorry, mad, alone and there a strange feeling which I can't explain but it feels like someone is pulling my heart out of my chest, tugging as hard as possible but it won't budge. When I first met Thomas I had an urge to be with him even without WICKID making me do all those things, he felt familiar but I can't quite grasp where I've met him before and I had this same felling when I first met him in the Scorch.
"Brenda where have you been I have been looking for you?" I turned around to see Thomas coming towards me on my left and Mariana on my right. What do they want now!.
"What do you want ! To show me how perfect you are together?. If so I don't want to know thanks!" I stood up and started to walk away.
"Brenda! Brenda!" Thomas ran up to me and tried to stop me but when I moved around him he clasped his hand around my arm in a tight grip and he started to whisper to me.
"Brenda I'm sorry okay, you kissed Gally I wanted to get back at you but I realise now that I was wrong to kiss her and I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?" He looked as if he was begging but I turned on my heels and walked away. Or I tried to but he was still attached to my arm.
"Brenda please I want us to be together. Brenda I love you-"
"Well prove it !"
"Prove that you love me!" And I left it at that and walked away felling pleased and mad at the same time . I am curious if he will do anything exciting to prove that he 'loves' me .

(Thomas point of view)

Prove that I love her, how do I do that?! How can I come up with anything to prove that I love her. How?-wait... Newt! He told me how I was going to get over him and that is the perfect way to show how much I love Brenda!

Newt whispered to me:
"To get over me you have to forget about me and to do that you have to dedicated to your future with Brenda. So get..."
I have a lot of work to do if I want this plan to work .

I set of to the memorial to find a smaller rock and a sharper rock and when I found them both I used the sharp rock to carve and shape the other rock .

I was there for hours on end trying to get it perfect and if it wasn't I would start again. Over and over and over again but finally I got it right.
"Thomas! Thomas!"
"What?" My voice is groggy so I must of fell asleep and as always Minho is waking me up.
"Thomas is that what I think it it?" My eyes shoot open and I hide the rock I carved .
"Thomas are you going to-" he's on to me how do I fix this?
"Er... What what do you think I'm doing?"
"I think you were up all night making this!" He pulls out the rock I shaped and carved.
"Fine, yes I am." I feel so embarrased.
"Well what Minho"
"Tell me how your going to do it and I will help you" a smile spreads across my face and I tell Minho my plan.
"Buddy she is going to love it!"
"I hope so"

Two weeks later ...

Today is the day Minho and I have planned everything and everything is in place, I am going to prove I love her tonight when the sun is going down at our celebration. The celebration tonight is to celebrated all of us who have survived the Maze and the Scorch, we have organised it to happen every year to honour all our friends we have lost and all the friends we have still with us.

"Thomas I thought you were going to prove that you love me, I have been waiting two weeks" she looks mad.
"I am but I needed to prepare ."
"If this is some kind of excuse because you haven't done anything to prove-"
"No its not I'm going to prove it to you tonight"
"Tonight? But its the celebration"
"Yes which means a sunset dinner, a fire, speeches. Perfect for the surprise for you"

The day passed so quickly with everyone getting the feast, tables and decorations for tonight and now I'm getting nervous.
"The sun is setting and everyone is bringing to feast out which means its time. You ready?"
"Thomas you have planned it perfectly she will love it alright"
"Thanks Minho for helping"
"As long as your happy I am to, come in let's go and sit down"

When everyone is seated the speeches begin about all the struggles we have gone through, all the friends we lost and how this paradise has saved us. And when there over its my turn.
The sunset has turned the beach a beautiful orange which is the perfect set. I walk up to the bolder where you stand to be seen by everyone and I start.

"I know tonight is to honour how far we have come but what I'm doing now is to honour how far Brenda and I have come as people." Brenda is looks so scared of what's going to come bit I plow on.
"A few weeks ago I did something terrible and that broke my trust with Brenda. But tonight that is going to change . I promised Brenda I would prove my love for her, and that's what I'm doing"

I jump down from the bolder and walk over to Brenda who looks petrified but beautiful. Everyone gathers round to see what I'm doing.
"Thomas what are you doing?" Brenda whispers. I stand in front of her delivering my speech.

"Brenda, we have been through so much together and you have saved my life on countless occasions and I have gave you nothing in return. Until now. I love you and I want to be with you no matter what." I crouch down on one knee and pull out the rock. Which I carved into a ring. Engraved in that ring are the words
Love requires sacrifice, always
Brenda looks confused bit shocked and surprised.

"Brenda... Will you marry me?" Tears form in her eyes and she smiles so wide I can see all of her teeth.
"Yes...yes!!!" I place the ring on her finger and she pulls me into a kiss. And she whispers to me "I love you Thomas. I will sacrifice everything for you"
"Good because blood, sweat and tears went into this . So you will be my wife?" With our heads still touching she nods.

"We're getting married!!!" We both say in sync.

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