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"Alright, Kolly. Let's get going. It's almost time for bed," Maddy said as she picked the little one up.

"Yeah, it's about time for Miss Addie too," Kaycee smiled as she picked her little girl up off the floor.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow," Ryan said as they walked out the door.

Chase locked the door behind them and went to take a quick shower while  Kaycee put Adeline to sleep. Nights with Ryan and Maddy were always fun, and they were so happy to see that their two babies would grow up together and hopefully become good friends with as much as they saw each other.

Both Chase and Kaycee spent the last free hour of their night watching TV and talking about their days with just each other. They eventually got into bed together around ten, and both fell asleep easily.


Kaycee's phone started ringing at 2 in the morning, making Chase shake his wife out of her sleep.

"Phone Kayc," Chase mumbled, shaking her as he woke up.

"Hmm? It's what? 2? Is Addie up?" She asked, a little disoriented by the sudden wake-up.

"No, babe. Your phone," he said again.

"Mhm," she mumbled, reaching for it, "Hello?"

"Coach," was all she heard before a sob broke through the phone.

"Sadie? What's going on, honey?" She asked, immediately alert as she heard the girl sobbing.

"She's gone," The girl said so softly Kaycee almost couldn't hear her.

"Who's gone? Sadie, honey, you gotta tell me what's going on?" She said as she put the phone on speaker.

"She's gone. Jess is gone," she sobbed.

"What?" She asked, completely shocked by what her player had just told her.

"There was a-an acci-dent. And I-I didn't know who else to call. M-my moms out o-of t-town," she sobbed even hard.

"Where are you, Sadie? Were you with her?" She asked, making Chase a little more alert as well. He could tell something was going on by the way Kaycee was talking and the looks on her face

"I'm at t-the hos-pital. I-I w-was in the car," she stuttered as she broke down even more.

"Okay. I'm coming, okay? Just stay put," Kaycee said as she quickly got up and grabbed her sweatshirt, then grabbed her purse before Chase stopped her.

Jess and Sadie were two players on Kaycee's volleyball team, and both were pretty popular around the school. They were the good kind of popular, nice to everyone, and genuinely cared what you were talking about when they spoke to you. They both had excellent grades and were 2 of the great players that Kaycee had come to love.

"You can't drive like this, Kaycee," Chase said as he came down the steps and grabbed Kaycee's arm. He knew it would be way too risky to let her go, but he also knew she was going to do what she was going to do no matter what.

"Someone has to stay here with Addie. And I have to go," She said, looking at her phone for the time.

"Okay. Let me get Addie. Go get the car warmed up. I'll meet you out there," he told her calmly.

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