Chapter 5

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Emil & Inaya

Emil's POV

Emil woke up on his couch, his dog still peacefully sleeping beside him. He noticed that Inaya had taken his bed, even though she initially wanted to take the couch. He couldn't help but chuckle at her decision, understanding her desire to spend time with his beloved dog.

However, they both knew that Inaya needed to return home before her mother, Aurora, grew worried. Reluctantly, Inaya mentioned her need to leave, but Emil suggested they go out together for a little while, exploring the town and enjoying each other's company. He proposed visiting WinterVale, a town known for its friendliness toward both angels and demons—a neutral zone where they could freely roam without judgment.

Emil frequented WinterVale's bars and found solace in the lively atmosphere. He shared this with Inaya, who was intrigued by the idea of experiencing a new environment. As they made their way to WinterVale, Inaya brought up the topic of Emil's age. Curiosity piqued, Emil revealed that he was twenty-two years old, which shocked Inaya. She had assumed he was much younger, perhaps around eighteen at most. The revelation pleased her, as it meant they were closer in age than she initially thought.

Upon arriving in WinterVale, Emil playfully remarked that perhaps their meeting was destined, considering the town's name. Inaya entertained the idea, acknowledging the role destiny might be playing in their connection. A rumble in her stomach interrupted their conversation, and Emil suggested they visit his favorite bar, renowned for its delectable food. He proposed getting takeout and having a picnic at WaterFall Lake.

Emil's status as a regular with his unique eyes caught the attention of the bartender, who recognized him instantly. The bartender asked if he wanted his usual, and Emil gladly accepted, also requesting a menu for Inaya. Inaya, feeling adventurous, declined the menu, preferring to be surprised by the bartender's choice.

As they waited for their food to be prepared, Emil and Inaya engaged in conversation, delving into discussions about their personalities and interests. Their connection grew deeper as they exchanged thoughts and shared stories.

The waiter eventually arrived, carrying Emil's usual order of chili fries without the chili. Inaya, on the other hand, received a surprise—pineapple pizza, perfectly suited for their outdoor picnic. Inaya's surprise turned into delight, and they set off for WaterFall Lake to enjoy their meal amidst the picturesque scenery.

Before leaving the bar, Emil left a generous tip for the staff, a customary gesture for him. Inaya couldn't resist stealing a few of Emil's fries, playfully teasing him. They spent a delightful time together, savoring the food and each other's company.

During their picnic, Emil expressed his love for the outdoors and adventure, craving new experiences. Inaya shared the same sentiment but lamented her restrictions, unable to explore freely due to her obligations. Emil offered his opinion, asserting that as an adult, she should be able to do whatever she desires, even if she's an Archangel. Inaya admitted that she couldn't argue with an Archangel, laughing at their playful banter.

The conversation shifted to pets, and Emil asked if Inaya had any. Sadly, she confessed that she didn't, although she wished she did. Emil shared his affection for Ruby, his beloved dog, praising her as the best doggo in the world.

As they finished their meal, they decided to head back into town to dispose of the food properly. It was still the afternoon, and Emil offered to accompany Inaya home to alleviate her mother's worry. Grateful for his consideration, Inaya accepted his offer, finding solace in his presence.

On their way, they made a quick stop at Emil's house to feed Ruby. Inaya suggested staying there for a while, and Emil gladly agreed. Inaya ended up staying with Emil for a day or two, during which their bond grew stronger. They cherished the time spent together, enjoying each other's company and forming a deep connection.

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