Chapter 10

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They head back to the camp, their spirits dampened by the recent encounter. Soojin, trying to lighten the mood, launches into one of his usual animated monologues, recounting Emil's victorious strike against the witch.

"Emil, man, you were like KABOOM and then KABOOM! She didn't stand a chance!" Soojin exclaims, mimicking the actions with exaggerated gestures.

Emil, however, interrupts with a serious tone, his gaze fixed on Inaya. "Inaya, can we talk privately for a moment?" he asks, his voice filled with concern.

Curiosity mingled with worry, Inaya nods and follows Emil to a secluded spot nearby. They sit down, and Emil takes a deep breath before he begins.

"Inaya, I need you to know how much you mean to me," Emil starts, his voice soft and sincere. "

"When I saw you in danger back there, my heart stopped. I can't bear to see you hurt or sad. I've made mistakes in my past, and even in this life, but I want to be better for you. I'm truly sorry for all the pain I've caused you."

Inaya listens, her expression a mix of surprise and apprehension. After a moment of silence, she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small dagger.

Emil's eyes widen in confusion. "Inaya, what are you--" he starts to say, but before he can finish, Inaya swiftly plunges the dagger into his heart.

Emil gasps, the pain evident on his face. "Inaya, what have you done?" he manages to say, his voice strained.

Inaya's smile turned sadistic as she withdrew the blade, droplets staining the ground. "Because I wanted you to feel the pain that you caused me. Call it poetic justice."

Leaving Emil wounded and bewildered, Inaya cleaned her weapon in the nearby river, removing any evidence of her actions. She readied herself to act as if the fear and guilt consumed her, she ran back to the team, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Emil! Emil! He's hurt badly!" Inaya called out, panic evident in her voice.

Veronika, ever the protective older sister figure, instantly shifted into "big sister mode." "What do you mean, he's hurt? Show us where he is, Inaya!"

Inaya led them to the spot where she had left Emil's body, but to their confusion, he was nowhere to be found. Veronika's brows furrowed in concern as she scanned the surroundings, searching for any trace of him.

"Where is he, Inaya? Are you sure you saw him here?" Veronika asked, her voice filled with worry.Inaya's eyes welled up with tears as she pointed to a trail of blood leading away from the spot. "I swear, he was right here! But... he's gone!"

Soojin's eyes widened as he followed the blood trail. "Look! There's blood! We have to find him!"

In a desperate attempt to locate Emil, Veronika called upon her magical abilities. She performed a spell, her hands tracing intricate patterns in the air, but to her dismay, nothing came up. It was as if Emil had vanished, transported to another realm or perhaps returned to his original place of existence—Earth.

The team stood in stunned silence, their hearts heavy with worry and uncertainty. Their companion and friend, Emil, had disappeared without a trace, leaving them with more questions than answers. Determined to find him, they vowed to unravel the mystery and bring him back, no matter the cost.

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