Chapter 6

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Soojin and Veronika


After reading up on witches curses, Veronika's frustration grows. She feels trapped and hopeless, believing she will be stuck in her cursed state forever. Soojin tries to calm her down by reminding her they still have one more book to consult.

They begin reading the final book and come across the symbol associated with the curse. They discover that each time the curse is cast, the symbol varies slightly depending on the nature of the spell. However, the book reveals a grim truth—they have to kill the caster to break the curse.

Soojin is taken aback by this revelation, expressing that he didn't expect such a drastic solution. Veronika feels trapped and resigned, believing there is no way out of her predicament. She tells Soojin to leave, at least for a while, as she grapples with her despair.


Soojin returns to Heaven but notices a crowd of people gathered. Intrigued, he investigates the commotion and finds Inaya in the midst of it. Worried about Veronika's situation, Soojin pulls Inaya aside to talk privately.

Inaya questions Soojin's actions, wondering why he dragged her away from the crowd. Soojin then opens up about Veronika's predicament and asks Inaya for help. Inaya expresses concern about potentially getting kicked out of Heaven if she assists, but Soojin encourages her, suggesting that she has always wanted to experience the other realm.

Soojin assures Inaya that she doesn't need to get caught and insists on the urgency of the situation, fearing that Veronika might disappear if they delay. He instructs Inaya to meet him by the gates.


Inaya hastened back to her home, eager to change her attire and make necessary preparations for their imminent departure. Selecting her weapons and stowing them in her backpack, she stole a moment to glance at her reflection in the mirror. Startled, her eyes fixated on an unexpected sight—a single crimson eye gazing back at her.In that instant, a rush of memories flooded her consciousness, transporting her back to the days of her youth. She saw Emil, a carefree boy of six, and herself at the tender age of eight, their laughter echoing through the windswept landscapes of their shared adventures.

Yet, despite the allure of the mysterious red eye and the bewildering flashback, Inaya understood that the urgency of Soojin's predicament took precedence. With a determined sigh, she set the enigma aside for the time being, recognizing the importance of being there for her friend.

Inaya, acknowledging the conspicuousness of her red eye, deftly adjusted her hair to conceal it. Lacking the aid of contact lenses, this was the best solution she could muster. She proceeded towards the gate, her footsteps quick and purposeful, where Soojin awaited her arrival. Warm greetings were exchanged between the two friends, a shared understanding of the task ahead shining in their eyes.

Soojin, with a newfound air of confidence, declared himself an "expert" of Mid Heaven, an assertion that elicited a playful smirk from Inaya. Aware of his knack for exaggeration, she chose to embrace his enthusiasm, trusting in his knowledge to navigate the enigmatic realm they were about to explore.

"Lead the way," Inaya replied, her voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. With Soojin as her guide, she prepared herself for the journey into the depths of Mid Heaven, the realm of mysteries and secrets. The red eye hidden beneath her hair served as a silent reminder, a reminder that her own enigma would remain entwined with the discoveries that awaited them in this otherworldly domain.

As they start running towards Veronika's cabin, they quickly find themselves lost. Inaya questions Soojin, reminding him of his supposed expertise in Mid Heaven's paths. Soojin explains that the path they are currently taking is different from what he knows.

Suddenly, they hear rustling in the trees behind them, alerting their senses. Soojin swiftly hops onto Inaya's back for a better vantage point. Emil emerges from the trees, expressing confusion at their presence. Soojin tries to play it cool and introduces himself, while Inaya interrupts and admits that they are indeed lost.

Emil asks where they need to go, and Soojin mentions Veronika's place. Inaya doubts that Emil would know her, but Soojin begins describing the location. Surprisingly, Emil claims to know exactly where it is, mentioning the presence of sweet berries in the area.

Emil leads Soojin and Inaya directly to Veronika's place. However, upon arrival, they discover that the cabin is empty, and Veronika is nowhere to be found. A puddle of blood on the grass raises concerns about her well-being.

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