Chapter 7

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All of the Above

Inaya P.O.V.

Emil stood beside the puddle of Veronika's blood, his nose twitching as he sniffed the crimson liquid. Soojin paced back and forth, attempting to unravel the mystery that unfolded before them. Thoughts raced through my mind as I considered the possibility of a vision "ritual" that 

Veronika had performed to locate the witch's whereabouts.

Curiosity piqued, I approached Emil, hoping to glean his thoughts on the matter. As I drew near, a sudden transformation overtook him. His once raven-black hair turned as white as snow, and his eyes burned with an eerie red glow. A chill ran down my spine, for I had seen this before.

~~ Flashback ~~

It was a memory from the distant past, at least two decades earlier. I found myself inside a grand home office, nestled within the walls of an English castle. My purpose was to seek out Emil, and after a brief search, I discovered him gazing out the window.

Emil turned around, his crimson eyes fixing upon me. With an air of sorrow, he uttered, "I'm sorry, but it's time."

Confusion clouded my mind, but before I could utter a word, Emil darted toward me, his movements swift and deadly.

~~ Flashback Ends ~~

Soojin's voice cut through my reverie, bringing me back to the present. He expressed concern over my vacant stare and asked if I was alright. Panic surged within me as I realized Emil had vanished. I inquired about his whereabouts, but Soojin was equally clueless, claiming that he had simply disappeared.

Curiosity sparked his next question, wondering why I had seemingly spaced out. He described my trembling and apparent loss of consciousness. I couldn't allow him to know the truth, so I mustered up a lie, assuring him that I had no recollection. A sly smile formed on my lips, for I had become quite skilled in the art of deception.

In an attempt to divert attention from my peculiar behavior, I mentioned the sighting of Veronika within the castle. Soojin, ever inquisitive, asked which castle I referred to. He reminded me that Heaven, too, had its own castle.

Drawing from my limited knowledge, I speculated that Veronika would likely be found in Hell's castle, as demonic beings were restricted from venturing beyond mid-heaven. Soojin nodded in agreement, recognizing the logic behind my assumption.

Eager to take action, Soojin proposed that we make our way to the castle. But I hesitated, realizing that angelic beings faced similar limitations and were unable to enter the underworld. I voiced my concern, causing Soojin to pause momentarily.

Soojin's determination to try entering the castle despite the "force field" separating the realms of Heaven and Hell caught me off guard. Reluctantly, I agreed, though I couldn't shake the uncertainty about Veronika's actual presence there. Nevertheless, we made our way to the far gates of Hell, where we hoped to evade the watchful eyes of the guards.

Soojin made the first attempt, pushing against the invisible barrier created by the force field. As expected, he met with resistance and was unable to pass through. I followed suit, anticipating the same outcome. To my astonishment, I managed to slip through effortlessly.

Soojin's eyes widened in surprise, demanding an explanation. I, too, was at a loss, unable to comprehend how I had bypassed the seemingly impenetrable barrier. Soojin suggested that we table the discussion for later and focus on finding Veronika.

As I ventured into the city, uncertainty shrouded my path. I had no clear direction, but a hunch led me to believe that heading toward the castle would be the best course of action. Soojin had previously informed me that Veronika held the position of chief executioner to the monarch of Hell, making the castle a plausible location.

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