team 7's obsession

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3rd pov:
it had now been a month since y/n joined the academy and she couldn't believe how happy she was, she had 2 best friends  (naruto and sasuke) and had become friends with ino, hinata, choji, and kiba (she tries to be friends with shino but his bugs creep her out way too much)

"TODAYS THE DAY NARUTO!! WE'RE GONNA BE FULL ON GENIN!!" the h/c girl squeals with stars in her e/c eyes, making the blonde boy grow hearts for eyes as they walk to school together.

despite being barely 13, naruto knew he felt something deep for the y/n since the first day they met. looking back they didn't have much of a conversation, but still he wasn't lying when he said talking to her was like being in a different world, he gets lost in her e/c eyes everytime he looks in them, he's only 13 but naruto knows whatever world y/n is, is home. she was his first real true friend, and the person he trust the most, naruto can only hope he ends up on her team, and sasuke stays far away from them. just the thought of someone like him (or anyone really) as close to y/n as he is makes naruto sick. lovesickness isn't a good feeling at any age but as a passionate young teen it's really unhealthy, and could lead to some seriously dangerous behaviors in the future.

since y/n and naruto made it to school oddly early for both of their standards, y/n made sure to save a seat next to her for her other bestfriend sasuke, much to naruto's protest y/n loves sasuke just as much as she loves naruto. she loved them like day and night, for her it was a completely innocent crush she had on both boys, to the boys it was an obsession growing day by day. their feud grew greater and greater with every interaction.

for now their battle plan is just plain plotting, for example,  sasuke during one of his and y/n's late night talks he 'let it slip' that naruto had a crush on sakura. a BIG HUGE CRUSH that he'd never admit to because he's so embarrassed about it. sasuke wasn't sure if y/n had a crush on the blonde but just incase he had to make sure she'd never act on it, not on his watch.

everytime he saw those s/c cheeks flush at naruto's lttle affections he made sure to tell her at the end of the night that he's just practicing, saying quote "naruto doesn't get attention from girls at all, so don't take his compliments to heart, everything he says to you is just him practicing for sakura"

this obviously hurt y/n's feelings but she got over it, not really but she'd rather be naruto's friend than anything else. and it's not like all her eggs were in all basket, she still had a crush on sasuke too.

sasuke was her solid safe choice for a love interest for a good 2 days until naruto realized y/n's pulling away from his childish affections and her growing contact with sasuke. Naruto's far from the brightest but it's obvious to him and basically everyone else that sasuke likes y/n. the last thing naruto needed was y/n liking him back and acting on it. so what did he do? he ' let it slip' during one of their morning walks that sasuke doesn't like girls that like him, that every girl in the academy and some girls even outside have confessed to him and he wants nothing to do with them. he made sure to include "really pretty girls y/n! some wayy more prettier than you too ya know! it's insane" obviously to naruto and sasuke both theres no one prettier than y/n, but naruto felt better lying  to keep y/n down, after all he'd rather her sad and insecure for a while than happy with sasuke all the time. it's sick what young 'love' does.

as y/n and naruto talked more and more of y/n's friends began to surround them, first it was ino, then shikamaru and choji came. despite naruto being somewhat friends with ino and decently close friends with shikamaru and choji he was intensely annoyed, especially when the trio all agreed that they want y/n on their team. on the outside sure naruto was laughing along his friends but on the inside he wanted to strangle all three.

RUSSIAN ROULETTE ✨☁️✨NARUTOVARIOUS X READERWhere stories live. Discover now