14. Crushes and Kasansky's

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I look out the windshield as I drive through the sunny California traffic. It's winter now, and surprisingly it's gotten colder by the coast. I could've had someone pick me up from the airport, but I decided to come a day early and surprise them. I rented a car to drive to Fightertown, where the Kasanskys live. I start to daydream about what Sarah's cooking for dinner, but my thoughts are interrupted by a phone call.

"Hey, Nat! Whatsup?" I answer the call from Natasha.

"What happened with you and Bradshaw last night?" She asks me. What?

"What do you mean?" I ask her, genuinely confused because nothing did happen.

"I was in your kitchen in the middle of the night eating chips and I saw him leave your bedroom." She reveals. I should not have given her a key. "He told me nothing happened, and that you guys are just friends."

"Yeah...that's the truth. Why are you asking me this?" I'm starting to get really confused.

"Do you like him, Shelby?" She asks out of the blue.

"What? We're just friends, Nat. Where is this coming from?" I don't really understand what she's getting at. Yeah, Bradley left my room, but nothing happened. Maybe we cuddled a little...but that doesn't count.

"I think you two would make a good couple. I ship you guys."

"Natasha, he's my roommate." I laugh.

"Exactly! It's perfect." She tries to convince me.

"Brad and I wouldn't work out. That could only end badly. But I would love to see the look on my dad's face if I told him something like that." I decline her idea.

"Whatever. When are you gonna tell me the details about that one summer?" She keeps pushing for information.

"You mean, that summer? Like the one I told you about when..."

"Yes, that summer! I just need a more clear story to understand why you can't relight the flame." I hear her groan from the other side of the phone as I pull into the neighborhood.

"We both decided it was a one time thing, and a secret so zip it. Last thing I need is my dad finding out, or worse, Seresin." I spot the Kasansky's house and see Mavericks car parked in the driveway.

"Alright alright. I'm getting the story, though." She declares.

"Fine, you'll get the story one day. I gotta go, I just got to Iceman's place."

We both say goodbye, and hang up the call. I grab my backpack from the passenger's seat, leaving my suitcase to get later. I walk past the three cars and straight to the back door to let myself in.

"I'm here!" I shout from the entrance. All I hear is silence for a moment, until Sarah comes running into the room with a baby in her arms.

"Shelby! Hi love, it's so good to see you!" She pulls me in for a hug.

"It's good to see you to-"

"Shel? You're early, whatsup kid?" My dad smiles and also hugs me.

"Thought I'd surprise y'all. Where's my favorite uncle?" I ask, wanting to see Tom.

"Right here!" He appears in the room. "How's my little Mustang doing?" He asks as I hug him.

"Great, how have you been?" I ask, pulling away and looking at his face.

"I've been better." He laughs.

I catch up with everyone and go to the kitchen to help Sarah make dinner. She's an amazing cook, so I'm really just here for moral support.

"So how's college been treating you?" She asks casually.

"Pretty great for the most part." I sit on the marble countertop.

"Found yourself a Navy man yet? The guys told me you went on a date." As if she summoned them, Mav and Ice walk through the kitchen door.

"How is Jacob?" Iceman asks. I start to laugh uncomfortably.

"How do you know his name?" I ask, not remembering telling them much about him. Honestly, I forgot all about that date.

"We had a little phone call with Bradley after you left. Just had a few questions." Mav explains.

"Like what, if he set me up with him?" I remark, reminding Maverick of the list of rules he made.

"That was one of them." He shrugs.

"So are you and this Jacob guy dating now?" Sarah asks me.

"No no, it was just one date. He's not really my type." I say before Maverick loses his mind.

"And what is your type?" Sarah is quick to question.

"Bradley." Iceman laughs. All heads turn to him with wide eyes. "What?" He asks.

"No no no." I laugh and shake my head.

"Oh come on, you two would be cute together!" Sarah adds. She's always shipped me and Brad together. Since we were little, her and Carole have said we would get married one day.

"No, you wouldn't." My father argues. "I better not hear that you're dating him. He's your roommate, plus he's two years older than you."

"Oh, we're talking about age gaps, are we?" I make an argument. Who fucked their teacher? Not me, that's for sure.

"Can't argue with that." Ice points to me, pouring himself a drink.

"Get your jaw off the floor, Dad. We're just friends, nothing to worry about." I laugh.

"I don't like it." He shakes his head.

"I don't wike it." I mock him, but nobody understood the reference. Old people.

We all eat dinner together, and continue our conversation. Me and Maverick are a small family, but when we're with the Kasansky's, everything seems right. We all fit together well, and their kids are cute, so I really love spending Christmas here.

A few hours later, I've got my suitcase and I'm in the guest room, where I always sleep here. I shower and change, tired from my long day of traveling and convincing people I don't have feelings for Bradley. But as I lay in bed, Bradley is all I can think about. I kinda wish he was here with me, which is ridiculous cause we see each other every single day. We agreed that a break from each other would be good for us, but for some reason it doesn't feel good. Nights like these make me question everything about myself. Me and Bradley are just friends. But what if we were more? What if Jake, Natasha, Sarah, and Iceman were right? What if Carole was right? I don't have a crush on Bradley Bradshaw. I think. He'll only ever see me as a friend. There's really no point in even thinking about it. So why do I keep thinking about it?

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