Chapter 8

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I've been in Charming for about a week. Waking up was like a dream for the past few days.

Jax has stayed with me every night since then, and every second is like an adventure.

We've taken turns where we stay the night; which kept things fun to say the least. Some nights, I stayed at the shop working on bikes and cars until my hands went numb, and joined Jax in his room when my work was done. Others he would drive me to my place, I'd have my way with him, and him with me.

The last two nights have been especially interesting. It would always be when things got spicy; his lips would start trailing down to my inner thighs, and between my moans for him to just take me already; his cell phone would start to ring. Of course he took the call, and suddenly he had to leave. He'd be laying beside me by the time I woke up in the morning, and was never in the mood after.

When I wasn't with Bobby learning how the bookkeeping system worked for the Teller-Morrow side of business; SAMCRO was left to him and only him. I was with Jax in the shop, he showed me how to change out my kill switch, and now I can ride my bike to work; with no problems. Much to the displeasure of all men at the shop.

I am the only woman in Charming who is allowed to ride a motorcycle per the vote Clay put in place.

Which I don't even know how I factor in since I'm not even a member, but from talks; Clay is considering adding me in. If he does I'm sure the other girls would have things to say. Lord knows they have with me just riding my bike.

They call me a dike, lesbian, Jax's butt fucker, and whatever else comes to mind. Truthfully, it doesn't phase me in the slightest. I know the anatomy of a woman better than they do.

I've had a few of them come up to me, pressing me for answers on how I was even able to get a job here in the first place. Some of them even offered me a position at Luann's studio, but I told them I'm not into doggie style.

I would like to think it's because I'm so cool that the guys in the shop are scared of me, but they're mad that a woman is allowed to do their job. No one was let go for me to work here, but that hasn't come without strife. I'm not even supposed to be in the shop half the time; I'm just in here anytime I've got a free second away from Bobby's boring lessons.

I even suggested to Clay I could take up body work, or hell I'll even work the phones if it bothers the guys that I'm in the shop with. I can wrap and pin strip like nobody's business; not to mention I played telemarketer for five years before I enlisted. Clay said he'd think about it.

During this time Juice and I have become a little closer.

I say a little because it's hard to become friends when the guy you're fucking with every night scares him away. Anytime Jax isn't by my side or I'm out of his sight in the shop; Juice appears, and talks with me a bit. He always looks over his shoulder or makes sure that Jax is in his line of sight; so that when Jax comes back over, suddenly he has something better to do than talk to me.

"I think I might find another place to work or something," I said to Jax, as he drained the oil tank of a truck that clearly needed it.

"Why? I like having you around," he said, giving me a wink.

"I don't know. I have a bad feeling."

"Then if your gut is telling you that, you should listen. Though, I think you should get into the customizing business."

"You think?"

"Liz, I haven't seen anyone with such a steady hand. Surprised you didn't become a doctor or something."

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