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Noah looked up as 'The Drama Brothers' wandered into the student council office. Trent waved at him, trying his hardest to be nice but was met with a glare. As they got to their table, Cody harshly pulled back the chair, wincing as the feet scrapped loudly on the floor, and then fell on it, slouching all over the place.

Noah, sarcastically grinned, making Cody extra annoyed, "Hi Cody."

"Hey." He tried not to show the fact he was already irritated, but boy sitting in front of him got the better of him.

"Let's just start!" Courtney said, already tensed from the tension in the room, "TD-Brothers, when do you all meet up for band practice?"

Justin, who was elected spokesperson by the group beforehand, answered, "Y'know, after school.. Well, when Harold and Cody don't have robotics club."

"Great! Noah told me his schedule beforehand, so I'll try my best to be fair and divide days equally."

Both groups got up to leave, and they did, but despite Noah's desires, Cody followed him. "Dude, wait up."

Noah glared, "Yeah?"

"I just wanna know.. why you were so persistent on the practice room.."

Noah looked over his shoulder to see a laughing Izzy and Eva. "I don't see how that's any of your business."

"Aw, come on! You told Courtney, right? I don't see why it's such a big deal!"

"It really isn't. I just don't feel like telling you," Noah walked to his locker. "Codykins."

"Ugh, you know I hate that nickname."

"Why do you think I use it? Get off my back, Anderson."

Cody grinned, "It must be a huge secret, right? Is that why you don't tell me? Let me guess, you play super embarrassing songs, and you'd rather die than let your parents hear you play the chords? Or are you just shit at the bass guitar? Both plausible."

"For your information, I'm awesome at the guitar."

"Doubt it."

"And I've got a shit-ton of neices and nephews constantly over at my house, so I can't play."

"I don't believe it, but more power to you, man."

Noah scowled, "Robotics club, huh? Are you gonna build yourself a robot girlfriend or something?"

"Nah. Have you learnt nothing from horror movies? Don't wanna end up in a casket." Cody followed him to his class.

"Oh yeah, of course. How foolish of me. Robot girlfriends are always trying to kill Cody Anderson."

"Yeah, you are pretty dumb."

"Fuck off."

"He's so.. annoying!"

Courtney stared at him lying down on her bed from her vanity mirror.

"So let me get this.. straight." She made a pun that Noah didn’t pick up on, "He followed you after the meeting, you bantered back and forth until he called you dumb, and also you called him "Codykins" just to fuck with him?"

"Yeah! He's so fucking bothersome! I can play the bass amazingly."

"I know, you've made me listen to your Buddy Holly riff a thousand times.."

"I'm gonna prove to him that I'm super good at it. Who plays the drums anyway? No attractive person has ever sat down and played the drums. Well, maybe except Kevin from Metal Lords."