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Cody sighed. "Okay. So Operation COURTWEN or GWENTNEY.. Gweney? Gwenurtney??"

"Maybe we can figure out the name later, Codykins." Noah flashed him a smile from the floor of the band practice room, "We should probably just figure out the plan, and then if we have time, I can flex my bass skills."

"Is that why you brought your guitar?" Cody tried his best not to get excited when he saw the stickers on the guitar case, many of which were of shows he liked, movies, and musicians or bands. Noah had no right to like such awesome bands. "You're so desperate! Aah! Okay, okay, we'll figure out the plan, and then you can make my ears bleed with disgust."

"More like delight. I'll play so well your ears will bleed from happiness.. okay, that sounds so dumb. " He snickered, and Cody, for a moment, forgot all about the rivalry, forgot all about Noah's stupid blog with the cool bands.. "Maybe we can make it so they both confess at the same time? That way, neither of us has to compromise. "

"Okay! So when do we make it happen?"

"Preferably as soon as possible, you ask Gwen when she'll do it, text me, and I'll tell Court to do it that way too." Noah certainly made it sound easy, so he handed him his phone and watched as he added his number to Cody's contacts, naming himself "best bass player<3".

"You think that's funny, don't you?"

"It's hilarious. Don't you dare change my name, Codykins."

He groaned, "Okaaay. You can play the bass now."

"Yes!" He took the guitar out of the cluttered case, smiling at Cody, making him feel.. weird. "Tell me a song you want me to play. Although, warning, I only play obscure shit."

"Uhm.. play your favourite song."

"I have like, 20. Holy shit, choose. " Noah stared, "Oh, wait. I have a playlist of the stuff I know." He handed him his phone, opened on Spotify.

Cody scrolled while thinking, "Holy shit maybe this guy isn't so bad because he can play all my favourite songs on the guitar. Can he move in with me?" But then he remembered this is Noah Sterecra he was talking about. "Play There is a Light that Never goes Out."

"The Smiths? I'm impressed. You might have impeccable taste, Codykins.. or should I start calling you Summer?"

Cody blushed because of fucking course he made a reference to the movie he had seen, like a thousand times.

"Yeah, yeah, just play the song already, Tom."

And so he did. And it honestly wasn't all that bad. Plus, Cody got to stare at Noah again. Just because you hate someone doesn't mean you don't have to acknowledge how.. visibly attractive they are. Cody continued to stare. It was almost.. hypnotising to stare at him. He stared and fidgeted with the collar of his shirt right up until Noah hit that last note.

"See? I told you I wasn't shit at the bass? I like playing it, it's not fair you guys got the practice room all the time."

"Fine.. fine.." Cody grinned, hoping his face was covered in blush, "You're not shit at the bass."


"And I'm sorry I said you were?"


".. What else do you want me to say?"

"I was hoping for a "Oh wow, Noah! You're so cool! I was a dumbass for ever thinking you'd be shit at anything ever..!""

"Oh yeah, can't believe that thought just, slipped my mind!"

"It's okay, Codykins. I forgive you for being a complete--"