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[tw// homophobia um yeah]

Cody walked Noah to class.

Like usual, their bickering wasn't kept to a minimum.

It was Monday, two days after Geoff's infamous party (everyone was talking about how Tyler jumped into his pool from the second floor balcony. He was, unfortunately, un-hurt.) The boys were arguing over horror movie tropes, Noah provided actual constructed opinions while Cody said, "Oh! That's pretty scary, too! But ___ is way scarier!" Then Noah would disagree and call him a dork. The usual.

"Oh, Codykins!"

The voice is high, feminine, and the nickname makes both Cody and Noah's blood freeze in their veins. They stopped dead in their tracks.
Sure, loads of kids call Cody "Codykins" to tease him, some more than others (cough cough Noah cough), but there's no mistaking it..
That high-pitched screech, that annoying obsessive tone, the bright purple hair that came into frame.. that's Sierra.

"Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson!"

Noah snickered.

"Why didn't you come find me at Geoff's party? All you did was hang with.. Noah." Sierra glared at him, and he glared right back. "You had me worried sick!"

Cody sighed, "Oh.. uh- sorry, Sierra.."

She leaned in, her arms crossed, Cody's personal space invaded, ".. I don't wanna pry, but.. You keep hanging out with.. y'know.." Sierra met Noah's scoff with her asshole psycho grin. "People might say stuff!"

Cody never got mad. He was always grinning. Always. But apparently, this made him upset.

"What are you implying, Sierra?"

Noah took notice of how the bell was probably going to ring soon, he also found a deep interest in staring at the ground.

"If you keep hanging out with.. guys like him, people are gonna so call you.. y'know!"

"Oh fuck off Sierra! So what?"

Noah looked at Cody. Woah. He never swore. Cody's face is absent of his usual shit-eating grin. He rolled his eyes, "So what if someone calls us "y'know", is that so bad you can't stand to even bring yourself to say.. gay or something!"

She stood there, astonished. "I'm just looking out for you, Codykins!"

Noah found this very amusing. Angry Cody was.. kind of cute? He had to try his best not to giggle.

"Don't! Go worry about someone else!!" He was obviously fed up with her, but for some reason, this ticked him off, "Come on, Noah."

Noah had to stop himself from not grinning when he took his hand and angrily stomped into Noah's next class.

Noah had failed to stop the grin on his face. Laughter quickly replaced it, though, "Codykins-- That was- awesome! Who knew you had balls?"

Cody laughed a little, "I have balls!"

"Yeah-- but you usually don't have enough. Can't believe you'd grow them to fight off homophobia."

Cody's.. annoying laugh filled the room and Noah chose to ignore all the other students, sitting on their desks, staring at the two who were still giggling in the doorway.

Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for all of Noah's classmates, the bell rang and Cody realised he was probably definitely late for Math class.

"So when were you planning to tell me?"

Cody and Gwen were out at their usual coffee shop. The one that was close to the skatepark they liked to go to and the one where the staff were super nice, so they didn't have to get super scared and muster up all their courage so they could order their respective orders.