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Noah took notice of how, weirdly, most people were supportive of Cody and his "relationship." Sure, they were tons of homophobes but most of the conversations he had this day were:

"Ohmygosh Noah! I'm so proud of you for coming out! You two make such a cute couple!"

"Gee. Thanks."
Cue Noah's eyeroll.
'We're not actually--"

"It must've been so hard! Y'know, coming out. You two are so brave!"

"We're not--"

"Sierra's not taking it too well. You two are so cute!"

And then they'd run off, and Noah wouldn't be unable to explain how he wasn't actually gay for Cody. Except that he was, but they didn't need to know that!

It was all going pretty shitty, if Noah was being honest, but leave it to The Drama Brothers (minus their cute drummer) to make everything shittier! Hurray!

They had waited for Noah to finish his council meeting just so they could bother him.

"Noah! What the fuck, dude? Aren't you like.. sworn enemies with Cody?" Trent scoffed. "If this is some stupid attempt to make him hate you even more--"

Justin tried not to escalate things. "Relax, Trent. Maybe they sorted things out." He paused, and then turned to face Noah, "You did sort things out.. right?"

"We're not--"

"Gosh! I knew they were gay from the start! We could've cut the sexual tension with a knife!"

Noah blushed a bright red. He tried not to scream. The what tension?


"Let's just go. He's technically our Total Drama Brother-in-law! That doesn't-- Gosh!"

The Drama Brothers left. So did the other members of the student council.

One remained.

Possibly because he was still trying to comprehend what Harold had implied.

What Harold had said.
Was Cody doing this on purpose?
Did he know about the effect he had on him?
He couldn't. He can't.
It would mean immediate doom for Noah.
Imagine; a world where Cody Anderson knew how pretty he was and used it to his advantage? The world would be overrun with Minecraft memes and FNaF lore. Horrifying.

Noah had to grab his backpack and drive home. He almost did. Instead, he went to the skatepark. Now, Noah didn't skate. He had no reason to bring himself there, to sit on the bench and wait for something.. someone. He didn't even own a skateboard.

Unfortunately for him, a stupid certain pretty boy with a stupid grin with a stupid gap in his pretty smile did.

And sure enough, he just fell trying to land some sort of dumbass trick, and scraped his elbow.

The wound was a minor one. He was barely hurt. He was bleeding, sure, but just a little. Noah was definitely worried though. He watched him pick himself up, try his best not to cry, sit on the bench Noah was sitting, cry a little, try so hard not to cry some more.. so much so that he didn't notice the guy next to him, who was already pulling out his first-aid kit.

He muttered, "Stupid skateboard.. Kick-flips are hard.."

"I'm sure they are."

"And they hurt.."

"Mhm. I know they do."

"And they suck ass."

"Maybe? I don't know."

"Wha-- Noah!"

The dark haired boy was instantly pulled into a hug.

"Hi! Sorry, I didn't notice you!"

"It's fine. Come on, does it hurt?"

He frowned, "A little."

"I'll clean the wound."

"It's better now that you're here, though!" He winked.

Noah looked down. He did not want Cody to see how much of a blushing mess that stupid line made him, so he opted for getting the water out of his bag instead and pouring it over Cody's wrist.

"Oh yeah. I'm sure." Noah smiled slightly, "I kind of have that effect on people."

"Mhm.. shit! Ow!"

"Relax, look, I'm putting the bandaid on. You're fine. Dramatic, but fine."

"You think I'm fine?" Cody giggled.

Noah decided it was best to look anywhere but Cody's direction. If he had to look at his smile again, he might as well just die.

"Sure. Because that's what I meant."

"Yeaah! You think I'm fine! I'm adorable, I know." Cody snickered and Noah almost caught himself agreeing with him. "Everybody wants a piece of the Code-meister."

"Definitely. I mean, how could I resist?"

"Right? I don't blame you."

Noah looked away. "Um, I'm assuming everybody else was very approving of Wawanakwa's hottest newest couple?"

"Oh--" Realisation hit Cody like a truck. "OH! Um, fuck. What is up with everyone?"

"They're insane. Crazy." Noah grumbled, his hands over his eyes.

"Mm." Cody didn't want to fuck this up. "..They're right, though. We would make an adorable couple." He muttered, his voice barely audible. Shut up, Cody. Don't be weird.

Noah stared helplessly. Did he hear that right? He had to reply. Cody would notice if he took too long to reply. He'd notice the mere panic in Noah's face. He'd know about Noah's crush on him.

"Yeah. I guess we would. Too bad we're not actually dating, I guess! Haha.."

"Yeah! Too bad!"

They both stared at each other. Fuck. Then they realize they probably shouldn't be staring at each other like that. So they stopped.

What the fuck was that.
Why did Cody suggest that.
Why did he give him that reply.
Why was he staring at him.

Panic flushed his face. He hated that. He had made a point to be calm.. collected. Cody always made him lose his cool, and Noah wasn't sure if it was for the better or the worse.

"Uh.. I should probably head home, Codykins."

"Wha- yeah.. Uh, okay. Bye!!"
