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At first, Cody didn't know what to do. He continued just standing there, tensed up, as if he was frozen. He knew he probably had to start kissing him too, but the panic of Noah, his crush kissing him, out of the mere blue was enough to freeze him like that.

Noah leaned away.

"Sorry, probably shouldn't have done that. I should leave, right? I should leave." Noah looked scared, no, nervous, he awkwardly got up. "Sorry, again. Um-"

"Noah! Don't leave."

Cody grabbed his hand. Don't fuck this up, Cody, don't fuck this up.

"Um, sorry, I kind of forgot to react. Could you do that again?"

"You want me to kiss you again?"

"Yes! Uh, I mean, yeah, sure, whatever."

"Good save, Codykins."

He smiled, leaning in again, carefully putting his hands on the shorter boy's waist. Cody made sure to actually try and kiss him correctly, and not just stand there like a statue, while Noah connected their lips.

"Was that better?"


Both boys stared at each other, grinning like crazy.

"Wait, did you kiss me in an attempt to not get slapped?"

"Wha-- no. I doubt that would've worked."

Cody smiled at the fact that Noah's arms were totally around him.

"Why'd you.. kiss me, then?"

"Because I want to."

Noah finally had decided to grow some balls, mostly because he had accidentally acted on instinct, and there was no way he could go back from kissing him.

"O-Oh! Uh- really?"


"Do you- uhm, like, like like me?"

"No, I hate you," Noah rolled his eyes, "Yes, I obviously like you, Cody. Why else would I kiss you?"

"I don't know-- wait, like really-really?

"Really-really." Noah pinched the bridge of his nose. "And I'm not saying it again, so stop asking."

"Cool cool cool cool cool--"

Noah sighed, "Codykins. Do you reciprocate?"

"Wha-- yes! Yes.! 'Course I do, heh.."

The taller boy rolled his eyes, fondly, before leaning in for another kiss.

"Woaah. Kiss number three!"

"You've been counting, Codykins?"


"Okay, weirdo."

And another.

"Number five!"

"I swear, if you continue counting up every time we kiss, I'll never do it again."


And pretty soon, Cody ended up not being able to count up all the times they kissed that day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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