II: Adult Fear

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 David breathed and looked around. For a moment, all he saw was horror. One corner of the room was covered in dried and fresh blood, complete with hanging hooks. Another side was burning with rainbow fire and looked like it was dissolving into the flames. All he could hear was screams, gunfire, explosions, rocks falling, and barking hellhounds. Once he fully woke up, he realized where he was: In Dylan's room, on the floor in a sleeping bag that Mrs. Grayson laid out for him. As he remembered how he had gotten there, he began to calm down. That is, until he noticed Dylan's loud snoring. Dylan never believed David whenever he told him he snores. He snores and it was impossible for anyone to go to sleep when they were in the same room as him. That was why people preferred to go to sleep before he did. And the fact that David had superhuman hearing didn't help much.

 Knowing trying to go back to sleep would prove to be fruitless, he got out of the room and went past the room Jamie and Lizzy were in, where they were sleeping soundly. He stopped at their door, which was wide open, and looked in, while thinking, I cannot believe I am doing this.

 They were both sleeping in the same bed, and he couldn't tell why, but Jamie looked absolutely beautiful. Her hair was sprawled messily across her pillow, her face shone brightly in the moonlight that was coming into the room. David shook his head, viewing what he was doing as creepy, and continued walking.

Jamie's eyes opened and watched David leave. She had woken up when she heard him scream and was lying in her bed, contemplating whether or not she should go to Dylan's bedroom, since she knew David wouldn't be going back to sleep. She was just about to get up when she heard someone approaching her bedroom and faked being asleep.

 David lied down in the grass outside, looking at the full moon and the stars. There was no human light pollution at the Grayson house, so he could see the Milky Way perfectly. And, as an added bonus, there house was surrounded by a large lake that just sparkled at night. It looked lovely.

As David looked at the beauty of nature, he found himself remembering the old days. Back then, he had been a boy who no one cared about (not that they should've), before becoming a humble pirate other pirates feared and would often call "Pirate King" or "ArchPirate". He was free, merry, and enjoying life. Now he was here. Having seen so many wars, so many countries screw over others, and had to fight the personification of the earth. He couldn't help but think how did he get here? How did the world turn so sour?

 David was about to just fall asleep there, when he smelled the air. Someone was coming.

 He chuckled. "No one has managed to sneak up on me before... Jamie."

 David bent his head backward on the grass to see her giving him a radiant smile.

 "But you still noticed me." she noted.

 "Only after." He pointed out, then sat up and invited her to sit down by patting the grass next to him. She obliged.She was wearing a simple sleeveless blouse, and plaid pajama pants. After a few minutes of sitting there, she began shivering and her teeth began chattering uncontrollably. "Are you cold?" David asked.

 "No." she lied convincingly.

 "Oh, ok." David replied, then took off his jacket and put it around her, as she protested.

 "I'm not cold, De-De." she insisted. "Then why are your teeth chattering?" David inquired, then smiled, knowing he had struck gold. She couldn't come up with an excuse for that.

 "I know you like to be independent, Jamie." he went on. "But no one is an island."

 "What the hell does that mean?" she demanded."It means you cannot live completely independently. Everyone needs help from other people."

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