IV: Bitterness

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 Unfortunately for David, the portal needed to get to Niflheim would take time to fully form, meaning he was stuck in Midgard for the time being. As such, he refused to waste his time and energy by going to classes, and stayed in his dorm, never moving from his bed. Dylan and Elizabeth had been unable to get him to respond to them in any way for the past month, so they decided to leave him be. However, Jamie saw this as an opportunity. She could finally be alone with David and didn't have to worry about her ex boyfriend's irrational jealousy. She went on her way towards his dorm, minding the rumors of the invisible flame force field that would envelop David whenever anything that wasn't already near him got close. Once she got there, she turned the knob, even though she knew it had to be locked. To her complete surprise, it was unlocked, and she swung it open to see David with his back to her, staring out of the window.

 Ok, she thought to herself. Even if it appears, it can't hurt me. I'm a daughter of the god of the seas. I'll be fine.

 "David..." she called, reaching for his shoulder.

 Once she had gotten within spitting distance of him, a ball of rainbow colored flames suddenly engulfed him and her arm. Instantly, she felt as though her arm was being melted, flesh, bone, everything. Still, she endured it, and forced her entire torso into the flames. Her skin cells were screaming and she could feel them being burned away, but she was determined to reach him physically, if she couldn't reach him verbally. However, the shield suddenly pulsed, and Jamie was thrown into a wall by a sudden telekinetic repulse. She pancaked hard into the wall, and fell to the floor, moaning in pain.

 David's eyes had long since lost their light. He wasn't dead, he was in a self-induced coma. The flame shield, as Jamie was figuring out from that hard repulse, was actually being spontaneously created when someone got close, and when they backed away, the flames would disperse, not become invisible. How she could bring him out of the coma, she didn't know. However, she didn't need to. The sudden repulse had taken up a lot of his energy reserves, making his body unable to use its self-sustenance trait, and brought David out of his coma. He turned around and noticed Jamie standing a few feet away from him. Though Jamie could tell he was now fully aware, she couldn't tell why he was looking at her chest. Then she noticed the breeze she was feeling on her torso. She looked down and saw that her shirt had been completely burned away and her bra was threatening to fall off, as the middle of it had been ruined. Jamie quickly covered herself, even though she really didn't care since only David was there. However, she still didn't want him to see her bare torso. David got off of the bed and walked towards her until he was only inches from her. Jamie's heart was pounding so hard, she was worried it would fly out of her chest. Despite the rumors that he had not showered for a month, he clearly had, as she could smell something like coconut coming off of him. It took all of her willpower to focus on the reason why she had come in the first place, and she urged David to come with her, after she got something to cover her.  

 "Can I borrow one of your sweaters?" she asked, he didn't respond, and she took that as his consent.

 As she made her way to his trunk, many things happened at once. A hand suddenly grabbed her wrist, she was pulled the opposite direction, and she felt her lips crash against someone else's. David had kissed her. Jamie was blushing furiously and her eyes were wide open with surprise at this unexpected and long since wanted event. Despite this, she didn't return the kiss because of her surprise. Sensing her hesitation, David began to pull back, thinking he had made a mistake. Jamie panicked. She had waited so long for this moment and she wouldn't let it slip through her fingers that easily. She wrapped her arms around David's back, pushed him closer, and kissed him back. The world melted around her,and she didn't even care about anything. The world could've ended, and she still would've been happy. All that mattered to her was that she was making out with David. Then, as if the universe sensed her happiness, it all went to Hel.

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